englishgarden Newsletter

English Garden

May 7 2006 English Garden Newsletter

Hello and a warm welcome to the May English Garden Newsletter.

In England there is a wealth of bright green leaves and everywhere the sound of lawn mowers as they tackle the lush new growth. It is the time of year when gardens start to open to the public for the summer season. Often they are advertised in the local papers and it is worth keeping an eye open for these – looking around someone’s else garden gives you fresh inspiration as to what you could do in your own!

If you haven’t done so already then now is a good time to pot up annuals in your containers or hanging baskets. Check out my list of easy garden annuals
Some of the plants I will be potting on this month are lupins. They are one of the traditional flowers for an English Garden.
Lupins are upright hardy perennials that can have spikes of large, white, yellow, purple, red, pink or blue pea-like flowers. The leaves are spiky and add texture to your planting.

Lupins prefer a sunny spot and well-drained soil and can vary in height between 3ft to 5ft (90cm to 150cm.) If you don't want them to self-seed then cut off the flower heads after flowering. (Please note that lupin seeds are poisonous.) Although I think allowing some self-seeding adds to the charm of an English Garden.

If the ground is still damp then you can mulch your perennials for the summer – this will help to conserve the moisture around them. I use worm compost mixed with leaf mould and this gives the plants a really good start to the season.

For some inspiring garden photos take a look at Abbey House Gardens the home of the naked English gardeners or at a peaceful rural garden in Herefordshire Hampton Court Gardens

If you are constructing an Archway for your English Garden then the information on growing the wonderfully scented Honeysuckle or that Queen of the annuals Sweet Peas will be useful.

English Gardens are always full of wildlife and to find out how to encourage wildlife into your garden take a look at this article.

If you enjoy jigsaw puzzles then why not have a go at the Scabious Puzzle or the Daisy Flower puzzle.

Enjoy your gardening!

Be sure to visit englishgarden.bellaonline.com for even more great content about English Garden. Here is the latest article all about Foxgloves

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I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!

Feel free to pass this message along to family and friends!

Hellie T. English Garden Editor .
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