All About The 4th of July and The American Dream

All About The 4th of July and The American Dream
This is our country and there’s no better time to reflect on what it stands for then when we are celebrating the 4th of July – Independence Day. What’s this holiday all about? It’s about the American Dream, fireworks lighting up the sky, every relationship in your life, and Yankee Doodle Dandies!

Independence Day – the 4th of July is regarded as the birthday of the United States of America as a free and independent nation. This holiday commemorates the signing of the Declaration of Independence by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776. This was the first document to refer to the colonies as the United States of America.

There have been a lot of fractured fairytales in the media lately being spewed out about the birth of America and the founding fathers of this country by politicians and and how it applies to our current times. It's apparent that they do not acknowledge that every American has the right to dream the American Dream.. The American Way of life is based on truth, justice, fairness, opportunity for all and facts, not fractured fairytales.

But these current difficulties make it is more important to celebrate the 4th of July and to reflect on America and to observe its traditions. They help to create optimism. Some favorite Independence Day traditions include flying American flags, picnics, parades and fireworks.

  • It goes without saying that flying the American Flag shows respect for our country.
  • The traditional picnics we have on the 4th of July are actually birthday parties for the United States of America.
  • The parades held for the holiday are commemorations of early celebrations of victories that included military parades and cannons firing. These parades now come complete with patriotic music and are a special part of Independence Day celebrations.

Speaking of patriotic songs, Yankee Doodle is a song that was originally sung by the British to make fun of the Rag Tag American Colonists fighting for independence. It was later adopted by the Colonists as their very own rallying anthem. Our military members are often used now as a bargaining chip in political game playing disguised as negotiations.

Right now in this country members of our military have to spend many hours worrying if they will get their pay checks because of politics. It seems as if the politicians who choose to protect the tax subsidies for big corporations and oil companies, and to hold the line on the tax rate increases for the very wealthy, don’t care if the people defending our country get paid or not. It’s irresponsible, a betrayal and it’s an insult to the members of the military, the original Yankee Doodle Dandies and to all average Americans who place their trust in the political process. Politicians are supposed to represent all Americans not only the wealthy.Politicians should not place their personal ideologies above the freedom for individuals to pursue their versions of the American Dream that American's have fought wars to protect.

My parents’ generation was a generation of patriotic Americans. Many of the men fought in World War II, some of the women went to war as nurses, and some replaced the men at home in manufacturing jobs in plants and kept the home fires burning. They committed their lives to protecting their American Dreams for themselves and their children and grandchildren. Just as the proclamation on the Liberty Bell was for ALL inhabitants, the American Dream is for all inhabitants too.

The Liberty Bell is the bell that rang in Philadelphia when the United States of America celebrated the very first Independence Day. Originally named the Providence Bell, it was later renamed because of its inscription which read, “Proclaim Liberty Throughout All the Land Unto All Inhabitants Thereof”. Perhaps this is why the sight and sound of bells ringing is symbolic of freedom to Americans.

The most important thing that many of the politicians are forgetting is that this is not just a political game. It’s not about who wins the game of King of the Hill because a King who reaches the top of the hill by telling lies will not stay the King of the Hill for long in our technological world. Their lies will be uncovered. There are still honorable, honest people in this amazing country who are standing up and defending its integrity and its promise and using facts as their ammunition.

Last but not least let’s talk about the tradition of fireworks on the 4th of July. One year after the signing of the Declaration of Independence, on July 4th, 1777, Philadelphia held the first 4th of July celebration by adjourning Congress and celebrating with parades, music, bonfires, firing of cannons, bells and fireworks. Fireworks have always been a traditional part of the celebration of Independence Day, a colorful display of pride, a show to celebrate the glory and magnificence of America and the American Dream and the American Way.

THIS IS OUR COUNTRY and as PROUD AMERICANS we need to speak up and to get involved in re-energizing our land of opportunity. Join in and defend your relationships and the future American Dreams of those you love.

As you celebrate this 4th of July, if you can, show your patriotism by displaying an American Flag and by joining in, to not just the celebration but also in keeping the American Dream alive for all. Good Relationships and Patriotism begin in the heart. Have a Happy and safe 4th of July!

Until next time, have a warm heart but be COOL! Be happy, be well, and be the best you that you can be!

Best Regards,

Kate Woods
Signature Rose

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