Ferret - Pet Ferrets

Ferret - Pet Ferrets
This article about pet ferrets is part of the What Pet Do I Choose series. Now you have plenty of comparison information to compare all pets, exotic pets or otherwise. There are several ferret articles that I have written about ferret facts and ferret care, that is linked toward the bottom of this article. In addition, I wrote an excellent ferret guide, Ferrets: A Complete Guide. This book is available at Amazon both in paperback and Kindle, and available at Barnes and Nobles (and other bookstores) in paperback. So far, the book has all five star reviews. I will get it out on Nook soon. Learn all you possibly can about a ferret pet before purchasing a ferret.

I enjoy the sweet devious little ferret. Pet ferrets are loving and playful little animals. They are relatively quiet except for the occasional chuckles. They take up little space and use a litter box (most of the time). They should be caged or in an enclosed environment such as an extra bedroom, and let out when they are supervised. They are explorers and this can get them into mischief and can lead to serious injuries. Make sure your home is escape proof before bringing your new pet ferret home. They can escape out the smallest of holes. Some of their means of escape may be a dryer vent, a heat vent, or even a mouse hole. They aren't necessarily trying to escape they are just highly curious and every hole must be investigated.

I kept my ferrets in an extra bedroom. If you use ferret cages, let them out frequently for exercise and play. If they are housed in a ferret cage, make sure the cage is no smaller than 2 X 3 feet and 2 feet high. Add hammocks for them to sleep in. Ferrets require a high protein, high quality food. There are commercial ferret foods available. However, in a pinch, they can be fed a high protein kitten good (not cat food) such as Iams. Ferrets require vaccinations.

Ferrets should be spayed and neutered and their scent glands removed. You will usually buy them descented and neutered. Check legalities before purchase. They are not legal in all places. Ferrets make outstanding pets.

Ferrets can be an ideal pet for the right person or people. However, many people are put off by their odor and the fact the can be quite destructive. Make sure you understand all ferret facts before purchasing ferrets as pets!

Look under subjects on the Exotic Pets main page and find ferrets for sale and ferret breeders.

A series about ferret care from proper nutritional needs, playing, toys, equipment, ferret supplies, personalities, training ferrets, baby kits (baby ferrets), ferret care, breeding ferrets, death and euthanasia and much more!

Diana Geiger Exotic Pets Editoron

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***Baby Ferrets
***Breeding Ferrets
***Ferret Training
***Pet Ferrets
***Ferrets and California
***Ferret Supplies
***Euthanasia Our Little Ferret has Died
***Ferrets Adrenal Disease or Shedding
***Ferret Helps Disabled Man
***Ferret Clothing

I also have published a book about ferrets - Ferrets: A Complete Guide. This book is available in traditional form, Kindle and can be found on Barnes and Nobles. The book has all five star reviews. I know you will enjoy the book and find it very beneficial.

Ferrets: A Complete Guide available in paperback and Kindle. By Diana Geiger (me:) Five star reviews!

Ferrets: A Complete Guide - Paperback

Ferrets: A Complete Guide - Kindle

PDF Version Ferrets: A Complete Guide (Access to free PDF Reader)
Ferrets: A Complete Guide

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You Should Also Read:
Exotic Pet Site Map
Ferrets - A Complete Guide Paperback and Kindle
Exotic Pet Shopping (the safest for your pets)

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