Cleaning the Bathroom - Toilet

Cleaning the Bathroom - Toilet
Today we are focusing on keeping a tidy toilet. These two places make such a big impact on how your bathroom *feels* and looks. I have 7 children. It always feels like such a battle to keep it Company Ready, especially when I am trying to train them in to how to doing it. Here are some strategies to keeping your toilet spectacular!

I have seen tips that say that you can throw a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser into your toilet bowl and let it sit over night. Supposedly in the morning your toilet bowl is shiny and clean and beautiful. Unfortunately, unless you have done all of the scrubbing, no amount of Mr Clean floating in your bowl will make it look spotless!! I have found that the 2 Alka Seltzers are good about getting the 'debris' loosened to be able to clean your bowl easily. You just let it sit for 20 minutes and then clean as normal.

My biggest tip for the toilet: you have to regularly (daily) swoosh the bowl clean, otherwise you risk having build-up occur that becomes ugly and hard to remove.

I have been using Baking Soda to clean our toilets. You can have a mixture (1 cup ammonia, 1/2 c vinegar, 1/4 c baking soda, and 1 gallon of water) prepared ahead of time and strictly use it on the toilet. If you get it on the floor you will need a damp rag to remove it. Feel free to boil the water and get everything dissolved better, but for cleaning the toilet I prefer not having to boil the water first. This mixture is great for cleaning the interior and exterior of the toilet. It also is a great odor eliminator and germ killer! I just squirt some on or in the toilet and immediately scrub it off. You can add essential oil drops to it to add a yummy smell, but sometimes I just prefer the clean smell.

Cleaning your toilet isn't such a drudge when you just get to swipe it down every day. Although this can be a hard habit to get into - it is well worth the time and effort you put into it. A little bit of cleaning in the bathroom goes a long way to keeping it Company Ready 100% of the time.

Make it a great one!

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