Product - Book Review : Family Organizing Handbook

Product - Book Review : Family Organizing Handbook
Amy Knapp's Family Organizing Handbook has 314 tips, tricks and secrets to take care of everything with time left for what really matters. At least that is what it boasts on the front cover. I purchased this book myself and do not receive any compensation for this review.

I really liked the easiness of this book. It was easy to read, easy to follow and actually made me laugh out loud at some points. It is pocket (sort of) sized and her tips are numbered accordingly. Her cleaning tips are clever and kind of left me with my hand on my forehead saying, "DUH!" :) For example, in Chapter 2 she has a segment on Pitching In. Right before #49 it says, Many Hands Make Light Work: Use your children's enthusiasm to make a game out of house "work". Then #49 says to put a pair of old socks on each of your children's hands. Give them a set amount of time and see who can come back with the dirtiest socks. How fun is that??

I enjoyed how she doesn't recommend you go out a purchase a ton of stuff. She really pushes the concept of using what you have and making what you have work for what you need. I like that. So often in order to do things we must purchase all of their 'stuff'. How refreshing to not see that.

Amy has a fun writing style and makes it enjoyable to read about organizing and cleaning as well as energizing me to take the necessary changes in my own life. So often you are left having had a good read, but not much motivation to make changes or improvements in your own life.

She doesn't limit it to just children and it focuses on some very important subjects: time management, clutter control, cleaning times, etc. Amy had some really good concepts and has a fun way of expressing them. It is laid out in an easy to read format and the chapters are streamlined to help you find what you need in a jiffy. Chapter one: Getting in touch with your inner organizer. Chapter 2: The Well-oiled machine: Getting everyone on the same track. Chapter 3: Room by Rom focus: Its' all about flow and function. Chapter 4: Top to Bottom: How to get your whole life running Smoothing. Chapter 5: The Word from the front lines. Then, Conclusion: Reaping the Rewards.

I would definitely recommend this to others to aid them in their cleaning and organizing needs.

Make it a great one!

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