The SHIN Protocol Review

The SHIN Protocol Review
Most of you have probably heard of the book From Fatigue to Fantastic by Jacob Teitelbaum, MD. This book has been around for a few years, but it has recently received national attention due to raised fibromyalgia awareness. Dr. Teitelbaum is the originator of the SHIN Protocol. SHIN stands for the following:

S - Sleep
H - Hormonal Support
I - Infections
N - Nutrition

This protocol addresses each of these factors providing alternative and conventional recommendations. One of the alternative recommendations is D-Ribose. It is a nutritional supplement used to increase energy production. This protocol may seem like a step in the right direction, but it is actually an addition to conventional treatments. Even if sleep, hormonal imbalances, infections, and nutrition were addressed, many other issues would get neglected, thus giving the illusion that this protocol is not working. SHIN does not address other issues such as brain chemistry, trigger points, and widespread pain. While the book discusses these matters and provides suggested treatment options, SHIN does not treat them. While it may provide relief from some symptoms, such as sleep disturbance, other medications are needed for pain and brain chemical imbalances.

The SHIN protocol is used in the Fibromyalgia & Fatigue Centers nationally. But, many patients find it difficult to be treated at these centers due to a lack of funds. On the Discovery Health Channel's program called Mystery Diagnosis, a young woman receives treatment at one of these centers, and it depleted her savings. As the show continued, she was later diagnosed with Hashimoto Thyroiditis. So, if you decide to use this protocol, be prepared to shell out some serious bucks.

I must say that the book is worth the investment because you can choose to purchase these supplements on your own to alleviate some symptoms.

The SHIN Protocol is another option that we have to fight fibromyalgia. We are thankful for as many as we can get.

The SHIN Protocol in a nutshell:

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Fibromyalgia and Fatigue Center
Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum
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