Dr. Seuss - Thidwick, The Big-Hearted Moose

Dr. Seuss - Thidwick, The Big-Hearted Moose
Thidwick, The Big-Hearted Moose is by Dr. Seuss. The picture book has fifty-six pages. Target age groups are children between four and eight-years-old. Due to the long text and difficult rhyming words Thidwick is a Dr. Seuss Read Aloud book.

Thidwick is a moose who lives on Lake Winna-Bango. He lives with a large herd on an island. The moose is a male with large antlers. One day, an insect asks the Big-Hearted Moose may he ride on the antlers. Thidwick responses with a yes. Soon, his antlers are the home to a hoard of ungrateful guests. The unkind guests soon place Thidwick’s life in jeopardy. How do the responsible, Thidwick the Big-Hearted Moose gets out of the dangerous situation?

Dr. Seuss' book his wit and rhyme in a humourous book about a painful situation. Children view the animals(guests) one-by-one take advantage of their host’s hospitality. Dr. Seuss’s drawings of each additional guest add humor to the tale. Kids are drawn to the rhyming verse just as the animals are drawn to the antlers.

Children learn an important life lesson: not to take advantage of their host’s hospitality and have respect for other’s possessions. At the age of four and older, kids visit people’s homes. They must learn to treat the homes with respect or lose a good thing.

Also, Thidwick, The Big-Hearted Moose teaches kids about the natural world. They learn a moose migrates during the seasons to find food. Also, they learn that a moose naturally loose their antlers every year.

This is a picture of Thidwick.

The children in The Cat in the Hat learn to respect and take care of their home.

Shop at Amazon.com Also, available from Target.com and Barnesandnoble.com

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Note: Thidwick the Big-Hearted Moose by Dr Seuss is from the library. Random House publishes Dr Seuss and Magic Tree House Story Books for Kids.

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