5 Daily Cleaning Tasks

5 Daily Cleaning Tasks
If you are feeling overwhelmed by your home and its lack of cleanliness, look no further. In this article I will lay out 5 simple tasks that you can do DAILY to feel like your house is FINALLY getting clean.

If you have fallen out of routine cleaning habits and are now feeling like you will never catch up, take a deep breath and read on. With the exception of making your bed, everything else doesn't necessarily have a "certain order" to do it. Work your cleaning plan for what works for YOU!

First things first: make your bed. Not only does this immediately boost the attractiveness of your bedroom, it gets you moving in the mornings. Train your children to do the same. Just following this one simple task will inspire you to want to achieve more and do more with your day. Studies have shown that people who are successful (financially) are one who start their day by making their bed.

Next on our list, Counters. If you can make a habit of wiping down ALL counters in your house - before you go to bed or whenever works for you - you will feel like your home is clean. Keep your cleaners handy and readily accessible to use. You can keep them in each room or have one set spot for your cleaning items. Mostly this will depend on what you prefer and what works for your living spaces.

Next up: Floors. Making sure that your floors are clean, whether by vacuuming, mopping, sweeping, etc. will add that extra sparkle to your home. If your children are in charge of sweeping after meals, make it your job to damp mop your floors - daily, especially if you have all wood floors. Just spray water and swipe your mop over the floor. This will immediately make your home feel clean.

This next one can be a never-ending-frustration-maker: Laundry. There are many ways that you can tackle this beast. One of the best is NOT to have a one day to do it all, especially if you have a larger family. If you are a 1-3 person home you might have a whites day, a colored day, a towel day, and a sheets/blanket day. We have 10 people at home right now (2 adults and 8 children). I do my husbands and my laundry one to two times a week depending on what is needed. Each child and the people they share a room with have one day to do their laundry. We have a laundry helper that makes sure towels and cleaning rags and kept done up. We have folding helpers for the towels. Usually, I start one load of laundry at the beginning of the day. This way the laundry room stays clean and doesn't pile up.We also have a "sorting day" where any laundry that has accumulated in the laundry room (ie children not putting their stuff away immediately) then I sort it and they put their stuff away. You might find that if you do one load a day - from start, all the way to folding and putting away- that your laundry isn't the beast that it used to be. Once again, you have to find the way that works for you.

Lastly, one of the biggest problems in just about EVERY home is CLUTTER. Having a "file #9" basket right at the point of entry for your mail is one of the BEST ways to stay on top of your clutter. Have some sort of sorting system so that any mail in is sorted right away. A paper sorter will work or a file box. Just make sure you use it daily and once a week go through your file and take care of anything that needs to be taken care of. One way to file things is as follows. Have one slot for bills, one for Urgent and one for Can Wait. This way, as you have time during the week, you can go through the mail and take care of things as you go.

Make it a great one!

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