Laundry Every Day or Laundry Day

Laundry Every Day or Laundry Day
Laundry can be overwhelming to any of us. I have recently been conducting research to find ways to make doing and completing your laundry ever so much easier! This article will differentiate between doing laundry all on one day vs doing laundry daily.

If you weren't magicially born with the laundry gene, then this article is for you. Whether you have piles of clean laundry, yet to be folded or mountains of unwashed laundry; finding a system that works for you is paramount to helping you enjoy the laundry process.

One Load a Day System:
I have found that if I can do at least one or two loads COMPLETELY daily then it never gets overwhelming. Now, that being said, there are 8 children at home and my husband and myself. So, I can easily find 2 loads a day. However, your family situation might be very different. This works for me because then my laundry room is never over flowing with laundry to be done or already washed laundry. I simply do the laundry and right before the children are due home from school I sort it out. Then when they walk in they can put away their own laundry and help fold towels or blankets, as needed. How I do it is Monday through Friday I do one or two loads of laundry. Then on Saturdays we do bedding and towels/cloths. I have assigned my teens their own day to complete their laundry. So I make sure the evenings are open for them to do complete theirs. Evenings are also a great time to do the emergency laundry that sometimes happens with young children.

Laundry Day System:
This is just as it sounds. You have one day that you complete all laundry. This is a great system for a smaller family. Just make sure you enlist your family to help sort and put away. This will hel pyou out immensely! You can also train them to sort the laundry to BE washed.

However big or small your family is; it is really important that you choose a system that works for you! If don't already have a system in place, give the One Load Daily System a try -- it might revolutionize your laundry!!

Make it a great one!

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