7 Day Cleaning Schedule

7 Day Cleaning Schedule
This super easy 7 Day Cleaning schedule can help maximize the areas in your home that need cleaning. Focus on each daily task and at the end of the 7 days you will be amazed at how awesome your home looks and feels. Why should you give yourself this cleaning jumpstart, you may ask yourself. Anything that you can do to help minimize the larger cleaning tasks is a win-win/no-brainer kind of thing - at least to me. If you spend 7 days working on each task then at the end of those 7 days you will be able to easily maintain a very simple cleaning regimen in only 10 minutes a day. Who doesn't want to clean in that amount of time and have your home company ready???

If you only have an hour or so a day, then you can spread this 7 day cleaning challenge out for a few days per "day" in the schedule. You need to do what works for you!

Day One: Declutter

Depending on how monumental your decluttering needs to be - you can anywhere from 1-3 days to tackle that. You want to be very careful about not OVERDOING it on the declutter that you cause your self to just stop the cleaning schedule. Even one to two bags removed from your home can be a a job well done in that you can move on to day 2. Just be mindful that what you are looking for here is to locate and eliminate PILES in your home. Piles of laundry, piles of papers, piles of trash, Piles. By the end of day 1 you should be able to move freely about your house without running into piles.

Keep handy bags or boxes or bins around that are labeled: trash, recycle/repurpose (donate or sell), relocate, keep. Make sure if you have things in your trash or donate bins that you take care of the THIS DAY. Don't wait and don't procrastinate. You don't want to just move your "piles" to another area (garage) of your home. The last thing on your To DO list for Day One is to make sure that you figure and make systems to keep the clutter at bay. This could mean making a Incoming Mail or File Folder system. This could mean having a Command Center that has all the materials you need for incoming junkmail and outgoing mail, etc. Laundry clutter could mean that you have dirty laundry bins labeled, etc. Whatever systems that will work for your budget and for your family. The last step is to make sure your family can help maintain the system as well.

Day Two: Bathrooms

Gather your materials - your favorite cleaning products and head to the bathroom for cleaning. No matter how many bathrooms you have, today is the day they all get cleaned. Start with your mirrors and any glass. I have found that microfiber cloths clean mirrors and glass like a dream. Once done, you will clean the vanity and sinks. Then move on to the interior of your cabinets - make the clean. Get rid of things that aren't being used and organize the things that are left. Next you will do your shower/tub area. Next is the exterior of the toilet. I usually squirt my toilet cleaner in the bowl upon entering the room before doing the mirror so the cleaning agent has time to work. Make sure you focus on the outside bowl and pedestal area of your toilet as well. Then you will clean out the interior. Last on the list is the walls and floor. Make sure you clean from the inner most area to the exterior so you don't have to walk through your clean floor while it is still wet. Proceed to the next bathroom. If your bathrooms are very close to each other then you can perform each step doing each bathroom for each step.

Day Three: Dusting

Dust all surfaces - making sure to pick and move things and dust under them. Depending on how much bric-a-brac you have on your flat surfaces this could take less than 30 minutes for your entire house. This will include electronics and any shelves you have. Make sure you change the filters in your vents regularly so that you can minimize the amount of dust you are having to remove from your home. Regular vacuuming/sweeping and laundering of window treatments is a real help in minimizing the dust.

Day Four: Vacuuming

This is the day that you will move furniture to vacuum under it. You will do the edges and window seals. This is what is known as a Deep Clean Vacuuming job.

Day Five: Floor Cleaning

Yesterday you focused on the vacuuming and today you are going to spot clean the carpeted areas, wash your area rugs and mop any of your hard surface floor areas. Use the products that you love to use!

Day Six: Catch-Up Day

This is the days set aside to catch up with any of the tasks you weren't able to finish up during the week. It is a great tool to have built into the schedule because face it, life happens!

Day Seven: Laundry

This is the day to get your laundry caught up or to get sheets and blankets done, launder towels and cleaning cloths, etc.

Now you are ready to stay up on the schedule of cleaning that will best suit your cleaning needs in your living space!

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