QUESTIONS The Sisters Hood by Gary Petras

QUESTIONS The Sisters Hood by Gary Petras
The Sisters Hood, by Gary Petras, is a wonderful adult fantasy filled with folktales and heroines.

Portals Publishing, an imprint of Denouement Literary Agency, LLC will work with book clubs to provide 25 or more copies of this book at 40% off the retail value as listed on Amazon. Contact Books (at) PortalsPublishing (dot) com.

The Sisters Hood comes in two versions: trade paperback, e-book. It is expected to come out in Audible within the next few years.
• Paperback: 422 pages
• Publisher: Portals Publishing (July 23, 2016)
• Language: English
• ISBN-10: 0997051299
• ISBN-13: 978-0997051292
• Product Dimensions: 6 x 1 x 9 inches
• Shipping Weight: 1.6 pounds

The bumpff states:
There is nothing stronger then the bond of sisterhood. But that bond will be put to the test as three sisters face the greatest challenge of their lives. While one sister is trying to live up to her legend, another is trying to carve out one of her own, as the third is looking for her place in this world. Red Riding Hood, Blue Riding Hood and Gray Riding Hood, search for their missing grandmother who has been kidnapped by a sect known as 'The Heart of The Wolf' who are the protectors of a mysterious pack of deadly wolves. The Sisters learn that they are tasked with a mission to return to the sect a mysterious woman in exchange for the life of their gran. They must also contend with the dark elf, Gretta, a virulent bounty hunter after the same prey. The older siblings, Red and Blue, are hell-bent on the total destruction of the sect and the wolves. But the youngest, Gray, knows that such revenge may lead to the inevitable death of those she still clings to with hope of survival for herself and her family. Can the bond that holds these three sisters together remain unbroken even in the face of such treacherous peril? Three extraordinary women in a fairy tale of courage, loss, love and redemption. This book contains a Discussion Guide for Book Clubs.

Book Discussion Guide

1. In what ways does this story of Red Riding Hood differ from the Fairy Tale version? Did you find any portions of the story that seemed similar and/or overlapped the Fairy Tale?

Bonus: Were you satisfied with the author's reimagining of the Red Riding Hood story? Are there any other Fairy Tales you would wish to see re-imagined in the same fashion?

2. How do you think the two sisters (Blue Riding Hood and Gray Riding Hood) feel toward their more famous sibling? Do you think they are jealous or envious of their older sister's fame and reputation? Is there any signs of hero-worship?

Bonus: Do you believe that Estelle Hood is comfortable with the legend that has grown up around her own persona of Little Red Riding Hood?

3. In what ways are the bonds of sisterhood strongest or weakest in the storyline? How are
these bonds tested and how does each sibling react to the stress and strains of the such close ties and bonds?

Bonus: Who do you think fares better within the storyline--the women characters or the men? Who has the stronger bonds (and is this the reason the women seem to fare much better in battle and in life?)

4. Should Red Riding Hood have told her two sisters about their parents? Would it have made a difference in either sibling if they were made aware beforehand about the fates of both mother and father? (Do you think, deep down, one of the other may have suspected or guessed at the identities of their parents?)

Bonus: Do you think the war between the Sisters Hood and the sect and pact was inevitable?

5. The doomed and tragic love affair between Esmee (the wolf-woman) and the handsome rogue Ian Macbeth seems to lead to its inevitable conclusion. Can their love be compared to other such tragic figures in literature? (note: after all, the man's last name is Macbeth).

Bonus: Would Ian Macbeth had made a great father? Do you think he and Esmee could have
been able to overcome all odds to be together in the end?

6. Esmee seems to have a love/hate relationship with her strange and magical affliction. Do you think that somewhere along the storyline that she becomes, more or less, comfortable in her own skin?

Bonus: Is Esmee a cold-blooded killer or just being true to her (unnatural) nature?

7. Do you feel that the Sisters Hoods parents are villains or victims? How much has the tragedy of the wolf-curse played a role in the mother and father's fate in life? And do you think that it was love or self-interest on their part to give up their parental roles and turn over their children to be raised by the grandmother?

Bonus: Do you think the Hood parents could have raised their children on their own? Or would the fate of the three sisters have been not unlike Esmee herself?

8. Do you feel that all the strong women in the story share a sort of 'sisterhood' with one another? Whom do you feel, given the chance, would have a stronger bond with the Sisters Hood? and who would be the most likely to take advantage of that bond?

Bonus: What character do you most relate to and why? Whom would you have the strongest bond with?

9. Why do you think that Blue Riding Hood had chosen for herself such a dangerous and deadly occupation such as a bounty hunter? Could she have been trying to forge her own path in life away from her more famous older sibling? Was she trying to blaze her own trail and write her own Fairy Tale? What do you think motivates Hannah Hood to be the strong, independent and fierce warrior woman that she is?

Bonus: Is Hannah Hood the strongest of the sisters? Does she deserve a 'Fairy Tale' all her own?

10. Blue Riding Hood and the dark elf Gretta share a troubled and deadly past. Can this 'odd bond' be compared to the bond that Hannah Hood shares with her sisters? Do you think there is a mutual respect for one another between the bounty hunters or is it always one trying to out duel the other?

Bonus: Who do you think made for the better bounty hunter: the practical and stoic Blue Riding Hood or the ruthless and deadly Gretta?

11. Young Astrid, Gray Riding Hood, always looks to be more and more reluctant to join her sisters on their deadly and foreboding adventures. Do you feel it has more to do with her age or her lack of confidence in herself and her magical powers? How does she overcome her fears and reluctance to turn herself into the powerful and confident young warrior and woman that she becomes by the story's end? Could the other two sisters have defeated the enemy and won the war without their youngest sibling?

Bonus: What are your impressions of the 'never was'? (Young Astrid's sanctuary as a child). What does she learn here that helps her later in life?

12. Was the ending of the story satisfying? Did it live up to your expectations? Was the rather cryptic ending enough to make you wish for a sequel to the tale and to find out what becomes of the many characters within THE SISTERS HOOD.

Bonus: Were there any surprises in store for you upon reading the story? Any unexpected twists and turns that you did not see coming?

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