cleaning Newsletter


November 2 2006 Cleaning Newsletter

Cleaning Newsletter

Cleaning Newsletter

Good, clean ideas for a good, clean home


By Kathryn Weber, BellaOnline Cleaning Editor




Clean Thoughts         Editor's notes

Featured Product      Neuhomecare products

Featured Article       

Habits that Keep Clutter from Getting Worse -- Bust Clutter Month, Week 4






This issue of the Cleaning Newsletter is now in HTML instead of straight text.  I hope you like this new look!


Have you been working on clutter?

I hope you have.  But, if you haven’t, there’s still time!  I like to declutter several times a year (daily, when possible!), but I especially like this time of year. Why?  I want to go into the New Year with as little junk as possible.  If you haven’t worked on decluttering, do so now before the big holiday rush.  Plus, you can get a tax write-off if you donate your items to charity.


Tips for the season

This time of year brings lots of chores – from cleaning and maintenance to cooking and shopping.  If you need more cleaning ideas for the fall and winter, check out some of these articles: 

Prepare Your Home for Fall

Holiday Cleaning

Silver Cleaning Care and Guidelines

How to Clean a Chandelier

Kitchen Cleaning Made Faster & Easier


The 2007 Calendar is here!

I am also so excited to announce that the 2007 Cleaning Calendar has arrived. Part of the frustration of cleaning is having to remember it all.  The key to cleaning is knowing what to clean when.  The Calendar can help you with this. What do you get with a clean, organized house?  Less stress, better health, happier people. Check out the new expanded edition with both southern and northern hemisphere editions!


Remember to write to me.  I love to share cleaning ideas and tips with you and your comments are always welcome.  Have a great week.  I will talk to you again in two weeks…next week I will be in Los Angeles for a conference, so I’ll talk to you again about the 15th!



Kathryn Weber

Cleaning Editor for Bellaonline




Neuhomecare products

I would also like to point out a cleaning product manufacturer that I just love.  It’s called neuhomecare and they make gentle cleaners that work so well.  In fact, their dishwasher soap is the only thing I will ever use on my dishes and I’ve made everyone in my family a convert.  To learn more, please check out the product review in the Bellaonline Cleaning Shop.  And please try these products.  You’ll be amazed at how well they work considering that they are “gentle” cleaners!


For more information go to



Hint:  It’s the first of the month, don't forget to change the baking soda in your refrigerator and freezer. 

Like this reminder?  Tips like these – and more – are in the calendar.





Habits that Keep Clutter from Getting Worse -- Bust Clutter Month, Week 4


It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that they are difficult.


Learn some new habits that will help you keep clutter from becoming a problem.  Hints and ideas tame clutter and help your house stay organized!  Getting rid of clutter can be a big help in making cleaning go better – and fast.

Click here to read the article:


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