englishgarden Feature Archive of Articles

English Garden
This listing shows you every single article in the English Garden Site! The articles are shown in date order, with the most recent articles on top. You can also use the search feature to search for something specific. These listings are shown 10 articles to a page.

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Aquilegias or Columbines for your English Garden.
Aquilegias or Columbines are a must for an English garden. Here's how to grow them.

Summer Flowering Bulbs
A list of summer flowering bulbs and corms for an English Garden, and how to plant them.

Carnation - Classic Corsage Flower
Learn the origin and meanings of the carnation and how to grow this traditional English garden flower.

Artemisia - Powis Castle
Learn how to grow this silver foliage plant, and learn about the castle in Wales for which it was named.

Bog Garden Plants
English Garden plants for a bog garden and simple instructions on how to make one.

English Gardening Tips
Organic ways to care for your English Garden and deal with pests.

Hedges, Fences and Walls in an English Garden
How do you decide whether to use a hedge, fence or wall in your English garden? Here are some tips.

Shakespeare's Flowers
A partial list of flowers mentioned in Shakespeare’s works.

English Garden Flowers to attract Butterflies
English gardens have a classic charm, full of beautiful flowers and delicious smells. These are the traditional annuals and perennial flowers that attract butterflies to an English garden.

English Garden Butterfly Quiz
Take this quiz to learn more on how to attract butterflies to your English Garden.

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