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Animal Life

May 5 2013 Animal Life Newsletter

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Animal Life: Do More Than Explore Your World, Understand It.

The Squawk!

Understand Global Warming
Investigative piece by Tom Brokaw for the Discovery ChannelĀ®

David vs. Monstanto
Mega corporate corruption meets mild mannered farmer.

Shelter Box
Natural disaster emergency assistance.

Arctic Oil Spill Test Results
Only test ever performed - FAILED.

Regrowing the Forest
How we save the rainforests.

The Reality of Fossil Fuels
Robert Redford was an oil worker and shares secrets of the trade.

Achieving Atmospheric Stability
The first step is to reduce our carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.

Free Ebooks On Green Living
BellaOnline has a wide assortment of free ebooks on how to live a successful Green lifestyle.

BellaOnline Radio
Discover new female musical talent on this eclectic station.

Call of the Wild!

Save Wildlife
Preserve species and habitat diversity.

Preserve the Rainforest
Let's make sure that wildlife has a healthy environment.

Click to Donate
Twelve causes that you can assist with a click.

The Watering Holes! photo maulwurf01_zps0d06ebdb.gif

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Tumblr: A dash of panache.

Care2 Network: Animal Activism.

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Greetings Animal Enthusiast!

Here are the updates from Animal Life for the week. Share your passion for animals by forwarding this newsletter along to other animal lovers.

Fresh Paws Off The Press!

The Dangers of the Sonoran Desert Toad
Changing weather patterns encourage aggressive breeding of the dangerous amphibian, Bufo alvarius.

How Fungi Helps Ecological Stability
Fungi, like mushrooms, are best known for their uses as a pizza topping, stylish hors d'oeuvre, or for their hallucinogenic properties. Research indicates that we can now add global stabilizer to that list.

The Earth Day Canopy Project
The design of this program enables the enrichment of life for people, stabilizes wildlife, prevents desertification, and reduces atmospheric carbon levels. This project creates a means for cost effective global participation that fits into the busiest of lifestyles.

The Hazards of Frankenfish
Whether people choose to add fish to their diet or not, Frankenfish are an outright hazard to wildlife, the environment, and people.

A Mighty Squeak!

"I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority." - Elwyn Brooks


The Animal Roar!

How to Protect Animals from Heat Stroke
Animals can and do suffer from heat stroke when exposed to unrelenting heated conditions. Heat stroke can result in lifelong medical complications or death. Take measures to prevent this from happening.

Why are Baby Animals Cute?
Have you ever wondered why your heart melts at the sight of a baby animal, or what causes people to want to care for them? The answers might surprise you.

What You Should Know About Cat Declawing
Are you contemplating declawing your cat? Here are important points to consider prior to your actions.

How to Handle Flea, Tick, and Lice Issues
Insect infestations can be worrisome because of the potential health hazards they carry, in addition to the growing concerns over exposure to chemical treatments to control the problem. Here is a safe and natural way to manage flea, tick, lice, ant, termite, and roach issues.

The evolution of humankind can be measured by how its animals are treated.

Have a wonderful week!

Deb Duxbury
Animal Life Editor

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