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Art Appreciation
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Words of 2016 also Popular in Art World
The Merriam-Webster dictionary announced their list of the most searched words for 2016. I found a few to be words that may have had their roots from the world of art. I’ll discuss their popularity.

Gustave Caillebotte - the Forgotten Impressionist
There are those among you who have never heard of Gustave Caillebotte. Surprisingly, the Met museum has just acquired their first by this Impressionist artist. I will discuss his works and influences on art.

Where Man Stands, Falls, Sits, Flies in Art
The many possible poses of man have been immortalized in art. I’ll discuss the artists who have painted, photographed, engraved, or sculpted their personal impressions of man.

Gender Equality for Angels in Art
Various religions (including paganism) have described or left their interpretation of angels in some form of art. I will discuss where angels may have first appeared and why they popularize folklore and religion.

Couples from the Bible & Mythology in Art
Love stories from the Bible and mythology are perhaps most endearing when expressed visually – through art. I’ll discuss these couples and the artists who bring their stories to life.

Artists Who Paint Political Portraits
Painting political figures realistically or ideally began in the 1500s in Europe. Many artists have depicted politicians for the sake of propaganda or posterity. I will discuss such artists and their works.

Ivory as Art Objects or Protect the Elephants
Ivory can be traced back to time BC, found on items in King Tut’s tomb, and popular in the Art Deco era. But at what cost? The killing of elephants and the illegal trade in ivory. I will discuss these issues.

Women with Long Flowing Hair in Art
Carved nautical figureheads may come to mind when you think of women with long, flowing hair. I’ll discuss artists that use this stereotypical 'attractive' woman as models.

The Veil & its Significance in Art and Religion
If Ancient Greece preceded the Muslim culture, then perhaps the veil of a certain bronze statue began the buzz that prevails today over the wearing of this garment. I’ll discuss artists that have 'veiled' their subjects.

The Trinity and Significance of Number 3 in Art
Whether you're religious or not, the Bible eludes to groupings of 3 as well as Greek mythology. I will discuss art where the theme is in the power of #3.

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