Valentine’s Day? Love It?

Valentine’s Day?  Love It?
It seems to have become passé these days to like Valentine’s Day, but I do because it’s a celebration of love and romance. Do you love or hate Valentines Day? Share your choice on my Facebook page by choosing the article that supports your position – love or hate? Do you love Valentines Day?

The viewpoint of this article supports the I Love Valentines Day fans. After you read this article please read the opposing view in the article Valentines Day? Hate It? and then go to my Facebook page and like the article that supports your love or hatred for Valentines Day; and if you’d like to, please share a comment stating why you love or hate Valentines Day. Do you think it’s a celebration of love and romance or that it’s become a joke that celebrates a concept that’s rare in these days of online dating, game playing and lack of lasting commitments in relationships?

So, here it comes again – Valentine’s Day. A special day symbolized by hearts. It’s supposed to be all about love. I believe that love does exist and sometimes it arrives when you least expect it. Here’s a true story in support of Love, Romance and Valentine’s Day, the holiday that celebrates it.

Drip, Drip, Drip

It rained off and on all day that day so I was anticipating that the football game was going to be cancelled if it didn’t stop. Although I know now that they almost never cancel a football game because of bad weather. I was annoyed by the sound of the rain as it hit the awning on the house - drip, drip, drip. This wasn’t just any football game. I was going to the game with one of my friends who wanted me to meet her friend, the really hot looking guy in her yearbook that I asked about. The rain slowed to a drizzle just in time for all the anxious teenagers to justify going out on a dark damp night to do what they do – try to meet the one. My friend lived close to the field so we walked to the game and we took umbrellas in case it ended up raining harder. Logical people would have stayed home or changed plans but we were teenagers and not prone to logic. We got to the stadium, found seats in the section where we were supposed to meet the hot guy and waited. Surprise, surprise, he never showed up; and to make matters worse, right after half-time it started to rain harder again. We all put our umbrellas up and it was not very long before a guy in front of me without an umbrella turned around and said, “Hey girl, your umbrella is dripping on me,” I thought drip, drip, drip… that’s what umbrella’s do. Without a moment of hesitation I replied. “Then move.” Well, he did. He moved up next to me, and we ended up sharing my umbrella and when the game ended he walked back with us to my friend’s house. We exchanged phone numbers and then he was on his way. As he walked away I had a weird premonition. Afterwards, I said to my friend, “you know - you’re going to think I’m crazy, but I think I’m going to end up marrying that guy.” It must have been kismet – a predestined meeting because I did end up marrying that guy. Many, many years later, we’re still happily married and we still share an umbrella on a rainy day! It’s like the sound of that drip, drip, drip is the melody of a song that accompanies our synchronized steps … drip, drip, drip… drip, drip, drip… We didn’t meet on Valentines Day but we do believe in love and celebrating it on Valentines Day and every day.

So - Happy Valentines Day to all of you - those who Love it and those who Hate it. There is a good way to celebrate it either way. That is to focus on the health of your heart by learning the warning signs of heart attacks and how to take better care of your heart by visiting the American Heart Association page at

It’s your heart, even if you don’t love Valentines Day, you should love and care for your own heart!

Until next time, have a warm heart but be COOL! Be happy, be well, and be the best you that you can be!

Best Regards,

Kate Woods
I Aspire To Inspire
Signature Rose

Of course, information presented on this site or found online in articles or forums should never be relied on in lieu of professional consultation for problem resolution.

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