Noni Juice Health Benefits

Noni Juice Health Benefits
Are there any Noni Juice health benefits? Not on your life only drawbacks! So, do you want to know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about the Noni scam? If so, you might want to start with, Noni Juice - Is It Hot or Is It Not? It's a great article.

When it comes to marketing sham health products, the rule of thumb is the more exotic and mysterious they can make the marketing, the better their con game. So, you might also like to check out Valid Research vs. Hype Marketing.

The basic hype marketing behind Noni Juice goes something like this. “Let’s add a bunch of sugar to this bitter tasting Tahitian fruit, make up a story - complete with fake science, and sell it to an unsuspecting, gullible public. After all, how many are familiar with the overall health and customs of Tahitians. Not enough for us to get caught – or at least, not until we’ve made a killing.”

The notion that one single product can be the cure-all for everything is ludicrous. If you’re looking for the ultimate panacea or the fountain of youth, then you need to look no further than the pure water and whole food that we were all meant to eat on a daily basis.

Our bodies need nutrients from diverse sources. And Mother Nature never puts these vital nutrients in just one exotic place. Each nutrient comes in a variety of whole foods. This is good old down to earth basics – human food from the human food chain. That's all we need to eat for a long, happy, healthy life. It’s a simple fact. I’m not asking you to be gullible; just use your head. For more guidelines on protecting yourself from scams, check out Is It Hot or Is It Not?

Noni Juice is definitely a Noni scam. It can't give you what your body needs for good health. Only whole food and whole food supplements can do that. Period.

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Note: The information contained on this website is not intended to be prescriptive. Any attempt to diagnose or treat an illness should come under the direction of a physician who is familiar with nutritional therapy.

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