Using Scent to Enrich Your Space

Using Scent to Enrich Your Space
Even though January is coming to it's end, there is still time to reset your living space for a fanatastic new year. In this article, let's explore one of my favorite ways to do this, scent.

Scent is a wonderful way to enrich a space and change the energy of it, as it can have a powerful influence on our mood. We can all attest to the warm feelings baked goods instill or the way the smell of rotten eggs can affect most people. It's something that we generally accept without thinking much about it, however we are all affected by it. When I want to immediately change my mood or change the energy of a place, scent is the first thing I turn to.

Incense is an easy way to introduce scent. There are many options for incense today. There is always the standby of stick incense but now it is much easier to find incense cones and even loose incense. If you have a local Whole Foods or Wild Oats Market, you will have an abundance of choices before you. If not, it is a lot of fun and extremely easy to make your own incense. Making Incense is a great site to start with. It has easy instructions as well as a few pictures that can help you figure out exactly what to do. Stephanie Rose Bird, an author I've reviewed on the site before, has also written a great article about making Native American incense in the form of a smudge stick. You can find that article here: Light Your Fire.

This book from Amazon has good reviews and covers the basics of incense making according to the reviewers. It is fairly inexpensive and so would be a good resource if you want something in your hand to turn to for guidance.

What I love about incense making is that you can use things from your own kitchen. For the most part, you don't need many materials, none of them are too expensive, and you get to enjoy the fruits of your labor right away. Here are a few ideas from the spice rack to start with for inducing particular moods.

Dried Citrus Rind: You can find this in the spice section of any supermarket. This is good for brightening your mood and setting intentions to experience more joy and play in your life. It's also very purifying.

Allspice: Allspice is very warming and cheering. It's a good choice for creating a sense of comfort and security.

Bay leaves: This is a great choice for stimulating blends. When you want to awaken your vitality and feel more energized, definitely add Bay leaves.

Basil, Peppermint, and Rosemary: Adding these to an incense blend creates a fantastic mental pick-me-up. Use these when you need to create an aura of productivity and mental clarity. This combination will definitely help one to become successful with mental endeavors.

I hope you come to enjoy incense as much as I do!

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