homecooking Newsletter

Home Cooking

January 18 2014 Home Cooking Newsletter

Hi Home Cooks!

Here's my latest article from the Home Cooking site at BellaOnline.com.

Savory Sloppy Joe Beef Sandwich Recipe

If you live outside the U.S.A. then you will probably ask yourself - what in the world is a Sloppy Joe! Well, it's a budget-stretching recipe, extremely yummy and easy dinner in a bun. Treat it like a burger and serve with fries or a fresh garden salad. Caution: Napkins required. Enjoy!


Please visit homecooking.bellaonline.com for even more great content about Home Cooking.

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Pass this message along to family and friends and visit my sister site, American Regional Cuisine and let's get cooking!

Allyson Elizabeth D´Angelo, Home Cooking Editor


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