Hi Everyone
I had a great day learning Five Rhythms Ecstatic dance. You don't need to wait for a workshop, you can start enjoying this very freeing dance at home:
Five Rhythms Dance
Gabrielle Roth developed Five Rhythms ecstatic dancing as a joyful way of working through the tensions and issues that we all store in our bodies. Having spent a day dancing the Five Rhythms I can testify it is a great workout too!
My book, Light behind the Angels is doing really well in The People's Book Prize. The outcome is decided purely on public votes, so please give me your support if you enjoy my writing!
Thank you to everyone who has said prayers for my daughter's old school friend James Bubear and his family. James went missing after a night out nearly a fortnight ago. Sadly James has still not been found. There was a big march in his University town of Bath at the weekend and some more media attention for him. We have everything crossed for the best possible outcome. You can find out more about him on a special Facebook page:
Please visit newage.bellaonline.com for even more great content about New Age.
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I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!
Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!
Lauren DĀ“Silva, New Age Editor
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