Hello, and thank you for subscribing to the New Age newsletter from BellaOnline. In this weekly newsletter, I'll be sharing the weekly angel message, latest article, and latest review. I hope you enjoy them.
Here is this week's message from the angelic realms:
Angel Messages for the week of May 24th
The angels are our constant companions and guides from the spiritual realms, and they are here to offer wisdom and insight that lead us forward as we live our life’s purpose. Here the angels offer guidance for the week of May 24th.
And here's the latest article from the New Age site at BellaOnline.com.
Celtic Dreaming
The Celtic people believed that the dream state was a doorway into the land of the faery, and that dreams inevitably always contained prophecies, for good or evil.
And here is my latest review:
The Original Angel Cards
If you are looking for a simple, yet powerful angel deck, read my review of the Original Angel Cards to see if this deck is for you.
Please visit newage.bellaonline.com for even more great content about New Age.
To participate in free, fun online discussions, this site has a community forum all about New Age located here -
I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!
Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!
Deanna Leigh Joseph, New Age Editor
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