Why Settle? Asks Coach Tiya Cunningham Sumter

Why Settle? Asks Coach Tiya Cunningham Sumter
Last week we talked to Chicago based life coach, Tiya Cunningham Sumter, who shared with us her mission to help clients identify and overcome roadblocks to success. Tiya, who was featured recently in the October issue of Ebony coaches both couples and individuals.

This week we’re continuing the conversation.

BELLA: Name one challenge that you teach your clients to overcome that you’ve struggled with personally?

TIYA: One of the challenges that I teach my clients to overcome that I’ve also struggled with is how to breakdown their big goal and take it step by step. I help them realize it’s not an overnight process, but to enjoy the journey and give themselves credit for every step that gets them closer to their goals.

BELLA: You’ve had a successful career in advertising. Has this background had an impact on your coaching practice? How so?

TIYA: Advertising has had an impact on my coaching practice. In advertising I have a set list of clients, with those clients I have to first and foremost have great customer service skills, but I also have to uncover clients’ needs and offer the best resources to help them. There is some creativity needed as clients approach new territories, so I have to use out of the box thinking and always keep ideas and resources fresh. Those skills are definitely transferable to coaching.

BELLA: What do you see as the future of life coaching?

TIYA: I am excited about the future of life coaching. I see it growing as more people are realizing they don’t have to settle for the way things are now. With such a wide variety of coaches in so many different niches, people are finding they can get help in just about every area of their lives. So, I see more and more people turning to coaching as the need for positive change is growing daily.

BELLA: What’s the next thing you’d like to learn?

TIYA: I would like to learn how to create successful retreats for the couples I coach.

BELLA: Name one book everyone should read?

TIYA: Everyone should read A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose by Eckhart Tolle. It is amazing!

BELLA: What are you reading right now?

TIYA: I am currently reading the Bible. I am participating in a 90-day Bible challenge. And it has been so fulfilling.

BELLA: Please tell us about the free coaching session you’re advertising on your website.

TIYA: I am so excited about the free coaching feature on my website. It allows individuals, who are maybe apprehensive about contacting me in person, to share (via email) their concerns, goals or questions and receive a coaching response (normally within 24-hours) posted right on the website. It also gives other visitors to my website a chance to get a taste of what a coaching dialogue would include.

BELLA: Before we conclude, would you like to talk about the work you’re doing for women of color?

TIYA: I find that women of color have special needs. So I've created the Black Wives' Club (now online) to provide a place for them to share and receive information on marriage, family and parenting as well as taking care of self.

BELLA: How can readers contact you?

TIYA: Readers can contact me via email at Coaching@lifeeditng.com or by phone at 773-450-3036. They can also visit the website www.lifeediting.com.

Thank you so much Tiya for being our guest here at Bellaonline!

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Tiya Cunningham Sumter

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