ChristianLiving Feature Archive of Articles

Christian Living
This listing shows you every single article in the Christian Living Site! The articles are shown in date order, with the most recent articles on top. You can also use the search feature to search for something specific. These listings are shown 10 articles to a page.

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The Sustenance of God's Word, the Bible
Are you feeling unsatisfied? Developing the habit of daily Bible study to find true contentment.

Bible Study Books
Find Bibles with study guides and Referance Books here. Something for everybody!

The Story of Three Women - Book of Ruth chapter 1
The first chapter of Ruth is a Bible story of three women who experienced tragedy and hardship and how each coped with their grief.

More Little Known Mothers of the Bible
Continuing the list of mothers that God saw fit to list in the Bible.

Jesus is Coming Back
We have celebrated the resurrection at Easter and are confident that He lives. What happens next?

They Saw Him - verses
As we celebrate Easter, we remember those who saw Him after His resurrection.

Jesus Appears After His Resurrection
Those who saw Jesus after He rose from the grave, changed the world.

Peace.. in War
There is a source of peace to draw on in times of trouble.

Easter Quiz
Test your knowledge of a holiday that you have known about since you were a child. These are easy questions but just may give you something to think about.

Taxes - What the Bible Says
Reading the Bible may change your opinion about taxes and the IRS.

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