fragrance Feature Archive of Articles

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How to Scent up Your Home With Natural Products
Scent up your home? There's nothing like a natural product to help you do so. Everything from essential oils to diffusers is available to you.

Have You Found Fragrance in A Glossary Lately?
Fragrance in a glossary. A play on words so to speak. The statement insinuates that you're looking for fragrance in a glossary of terms. Read on ....

How To Light Up A Room With Scented Candles
Scented candles. There's more than one way to light up a room. Scented candles do it with their aroma and their light. They’re not talked about much these days, yet they still have a place in your life when it comes to scenting a room.

Are Natural Perfumes a Sign of The Times?
Natural perfumes, can they be a sign of the times? Natural perfumes are heavily associated with essential oils and aromatherapy. Why? Because it's the essential oils that are used to make natural perfumes and aromatherapy blends.

How to Use Aromatherapy for Children
Aromatherapy has been known to help with anxiety, stress and depression. The world is still in the throws of a global pandemic. While most adults are coping, to say the least, children may not be expressing how they really feel.

I Smelled Perfume on A Human After A Year of COVID
Smelling perfume or cologne on a human shouldn't be a big deal. However, after a year of COVID, it dawned on me that perfumes are not top of mind for most people these days.

Aromatic Oils [Update 2021]
The power of aromatherapy lies in the fact that essential oils not only have chemical structures that allow them to heal your body, but that they possess unrivaled aromas with the ability to alter your emotions and move your spirit.

Essential Oils for Beauty and Wellness
Essential oils. It's 2021 and we've arrived into the Age of Aquarius ... so we're told and essential oils are still with us as "alternative" methods for beauty and wellness. Why do you think that's so?

How to Clear Bad Vibes with Aromatherapy
Want to clear bad vibes? Thought about using aromatherapy to help you out? Negative energy is bound to hit all of us at one point or another. It manifests itself in many ways – chronic stress, inability to focus, or an illness that keeps coming back.

How to Use Essential Oils for Common Ailments
Essential oils and aromatherapy are fairly synonymous to stress relief. There's more to essential oils than keeping you calm or giving you a good night's sleep. They have also been known to provide relief to common illnesses.

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