
New Age
Our relationships with others give us some of our greatest opportunities for soul growth.

Anger and Forgiveness star
It isn’t possible to get through life without some trials and tribulations. Difficult people and challenging relationships are testing for us. How we deal with them is an important part of our learning.

Healing Heartbreak star
Why are our close personal relationships so utterly heartbreaking when they start to fall apart? Why do some people have the ability to keep us dangling on a string whilst we can cheerfully walk away from others with scarcely a backward glance?

Healing Your Broken Heart star
Many of us experience true heartbreaking grief at some point in our lives. Some people remain stuck in their misery and can’t seem to move on, others pretend it never happened, storing their pain deep down, where it can lead to illness later. There are more healthy ways to process what has happened

Learning through Relationships star
We can see our relationships as rich ground for our learning on Planet Earth. Other people are our teachers and there is always a choice about how we respond to their lessons.

Overcoming Psychic Attack star
Full blown psychic attack is fortunately quite rare, however everyone has come across lesser forms of ill wishing at some point in their lives. The malicious thoughts of others can disrupt your energy and upset your peace of mind. Here I look at strategies to turn aside and neutralise psychic attack

Relationship Cords star
We form a range of energetic connections with others. Cords serve a purpose and are a way of attuning to and feeling at ease with people. The closer we become to another the more cords tend to form. Cords can become a problem where there is manipulation, control or discord in a relationship.

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