Feeling Powerless and Your Health

Feeling Powerless and Your Health
People feel powerless all the time and for many reasons. There are times in life when a person feels as if they have no power over their health, job, home, or life in general. It can be very frustrating and stressful to feel that you have no control over anything. These feelings can lead to stress or depression. Both have a long list of adverse effects on your health and well-being.

Powerlessness can make you feel stressed and anxious. This increases the cortisol levels in your body. This can lead to high blood pressure, fatigue and insomnia. You may feel like you are in a constant state of agitation. This is not good for your overall health and wellness.

These feelings can also lead to depression or despair. It is difficult to find the positive in things when you feel that you have no power. Depression can cause fatigue, loss of appetite, insomnia and irritability. If depression is chronic or becomes severe you should seek medical attention.

Feelings of powerlessness can affect you in other ways as well. You may give up on things that are important to you because you think that you cannot make a difference. You may settle for less than satisfactory job conditions or health care.

There are many things that can cause feelings of helplessness. Poor working or living conditions can cause a person to feel powerless. A chronic health condition can make a person feel like they have no power as well.

Taking back you power can be a hard thing to do but it is worth it. If you are feeling powerless, it is time to start looking for productive ways to take back you power. When you feel like you have some control or power over your life, health may improve.

There are ways to take back your power. It depends on your personal situation and what is making you feel so powerless. You can try things like meditation, energy work, exercise, counseling, and life coaching.

Meditation can be very helpful in taking back your power and combating stress in your life. Meditation can relax your mind and body. It can help to take the time relax and just breathe. You can use meditation to focus on the power the power that you do have. You have the power to access the benefits of meditation. Meditation can also help lower blood pressure.

Energy work can be used to enhance your body’s ability to heal itself. It can also be used to help you gain back some power in your life. Reiki and shamanic healing may be helpful. Reiki healing helps you access your body’s natural ability or power to heal itself. Shamanic healing is sometimes used to find missing pieces of your soul. You may have unconsciously shed your power because of a traumatic experience. Shamanic healing may help you find your power.

You may need to talk to a professional counselor to help you work through those feelings of powerlessness. They are trained to help you through difficult times. Talking about what is troubling you is one step towards taking back your power.

Feelings of powerlessness can be detrimental to your health. There are ways to combat these feelings and help protect your health and well-being. You can take back your power.

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