z-Temporary Storage for Fiction Writing Links

A Knight Like No Other - a Review
"A Knight Like No Other", by Jocelyn Kelley, proved to be a riveting historical romance. The story became so interesting that the romantic side of it did not take over the story. Concerns about what was going to happen made it hard to put the book down.
A Lunacy of Werewolves
My collective noun articles for supernatural, mythological wildlife ends with this article. From the brilliance of the phoenix to the brutality of the sphinx and the magic of the unicorn, I hope you enjoy learning just a bit about these wondrous creatures. Allow your imagination to go wild.
A Menagerie of Dolls
A collective noun is a special noun that refers to a group of people, animals, or objects. For example, you could have a flock of birds or a pride of lions. You could also have an illusion of magicians or a crew of sailors. What about a group of dolls? What would one call them?
A Shower of Meteorologists
Has your book ever been rained upon by a shower of meteorologists? Or maybe a break of winds has blown away the pages of your manuscript that took you years to write.
A Sling of Psychopaths
Mad scientists and geniuses gone mad have been the villains in many cartoons. Murderers, psychopaths, serial-killers, and terrorists have been the villains in many books and movies. Perhaps one of your characters has a psychotic personality.
A Snarl of Minotaurs
Fauns, griffons, hippogriffs, manticores, minotaurs, and Nessies – in this article, you will learn what each of these creatures are. You will also learn the collective noun for each group of these supernatural wildlife creatures.
A Storm of Ifrits
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
When your character is wrestling against demonic beings, you will know what to call them.
A Storm of Ifrits
"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places."
A Surrey State of Affairs - a Review
A Surrey State of Affairs, written by author and journalist Ceri Radford, is the blog of the fictional character Constance Harding. And who is Constance Harding? She is a 53-year-old housewife and mother whose marriage has become boring and predictable.
A Tangle of Gorgons
When I think of monsters, I think of scary movies and childhood nightmares. Monsters were always hiding in the dark, never wanting to be seen in the light of day. Not all monsters hide in the dark or lurk in the corners of our imagination. Some of them rule between the covers of novels.
A Tangle of Gorgons
When I think of monsters, I think of scary movies and childhood nightmares. Monsters were always hiding in the dark, never wanting to be seen in the light of day. Not all monsters hide in the dark or lurk in the corners of our imagination. Some of them rule between the covers of novels.
A Tizzy of Fairies
Have the Babas Yaga kidnapped your character´s child, or are they comforting her because of her loss? Perhaps your character has a hustle of brownies living with him. Are they helpful, or are they mischievous?What about that lawn of gnomes? Have they come to life?
A Torment of Ogres
From a devilry of gremlins to a malevolence of trolls, here are some more monster collective nouns for you to look through and find a monster for your story.
A Vexation of Zombies
Mummies, golems, dhampirs, revenants, skeletons, vampires, wendigoes, and zombies are creatures of the night that some people think of only around Halloween, while the minds of others dwell on these creatures year-round. One of these creatures would make a haunting addition to any scary story.
A Vexation of Zombies
Mummies, golems, dhampirs, revenants, skeletons, vampires, wendigoes, and zombies are creatures of the night that some people think of only around Halloween, while the minds of others dwell on these creatures year-round. One of these creatures would make a haunting addition to any scary story.
Aaron T. Knight – Inspiration & Self-Publishing
What inspired the author to write this book? How did he develop his characters? Which character was his favorite? Which scene did he like the most?
Aaron T. Knight – Research & Writing
How did he choose the title of his book? How much research did he have to do? What advice does he have for writers? Where can his fans find him on the internet?
Absolutely Certain to Advance Warning
A redundant expression is an expression where each word in the expression means basically the same thing.
Add Suspense to Your Story
No matter what genre your tale falls in – historical fiction, romance, mystery, westerns, science fiction, fantasy or any of the others – suspense can and needs to be introduced into the story. How can you do this?
Affirmative Yes to Autobiography of Her Own Life
Redundant expressions can be found in books, in movies, in television shows, and in the everyday conversation of people. Unless it is the trait of one of your characters to speak using redundant expressions, these need to be done away with in your writing.
Agatha Christie´s Miss Marple
Miss Marple, an elderly spinster living in St. Mary Mead, did not lead a normal life. Her nephew, Raymond West believes her life to be dull and boring because nothing ever happens in her quaint little village. "Even pond scum has a lot of life when put underneath a microscope," replies his aunt.
An Academy of Apparitions
Just as animals have collective nouns to describe their groups, so do beings in the spectral class. Choose one or more of the following collective nouns in the spectral class to enhance your spine-tingling Halloween tale.
An Academy of Apparitions
Just as animals have collective nouns to describe their groups, so do beings in the spectral class. Choose one or more of the following collective nouns in the spectral class to enhance your spine-tingling Halloween tale.
An Aerie of Eagles
Has your character encountered a leap of leopards? Maybe a bask of crocodiles would work better for you. There are special names attributed to groups of just about any animals. How could this be of use in writing?
An Earth of Foxes
I´m sure that everyone knows a group of cows is a herd. Did you realize that there are collective nouns for all of the other animals, too? Some of the names are descriptive and it is easy to understand why that particular group name Some of the collective nouns were created just for the animal.
An Illusion of Magicians
A fiction writer plays with reality by using words to create a story. A magician tricks people into seeing things that aren´t really happening by using illusion to create a false sense of reality. What would a group of magicians be called?
Android Karenina - a Review
Quirk Classics has come out with yet another great literary parody. This time author Ben H. Winters teams up with literary great Leo Tolstoy for the science fiction masterpiece Android Karenina.
Antihero in The Devil She Knows
The Devil She Knows by Bill Loehfelm is a fast-paced, absorbing crime thriller, and a lot of fun to read. But more than that, it will teach you how to write a good antihero.
Appreciate a Dragon Day & Other Zany Holidays
What kind of dragon will you give life to on Appreciate a Dragon Day? Will you write a story while taking a bubble bath on Bubble Bath Day? How many times will you shock yourself on National Static Electricity Day?
April Fool's Day
There have been some amazing hoaxes down through the years. Some of the most famous (and most unbelievable) are talked about below. Any of these could be used as a basis for a great fiction story for children or adults. Face it, these hoaxes were believed by adults too.
Arcan´s Revenge - a Review
Arcan´s Revenge, written by Nelani A. Nettrour, is the exciting sequel to Soaring Free.
Authonomy is a website for readers, writers and publishers. On authonomy, both unpublished and self-published authors are invited to post their works to be read by visitors online. At least 10,000 words of the work must be made available for reading.
Awkward Moments Day & Other Inane Holidays
Will you be able to avoid being caught in any embarrassing situations on Awkward Moments Day? How much chocolate caramel will you allow yourself to indulge in on National Chocolate Caramel Day? Will you be abducted by an alien on Alien Abduction Day?
Backyard Picture Writing Prompts
What do you see when you look at a picture of a backyard? Do you just see a pretty backyard or do you see more? What can you read into this picture? When you look at any picture, do you only see what is right in front of your eyes? Or do you see more?
Bad Glass - a Review
Bad Glass, written by Richard E. Gropp, is a dark fantasy that will haunt you. Full of bizarre images described in spectacular detail, this book will invade your dreams.
Bald-headed to Burning Embers
A pleonasm, also known as a redundant expression, is the use of more words than necessary to express an idea. As writers, that is something we don´t want to do. You may be surprised to discover just how many pleonasms are at use in our everyday language.
Ballet Day and Other Unusual Holidays
How do you celebrate Lame Duck Day? Do you buy a duck a set of crutches? How would you like to fly your kite in the middle of the winter? Would you still fly it if a blizzard hit on this day? Or would you sit it out?
Barnum & Bailey Day and Other Goofy Holidays
Will you go to the circus on Barnum & Bailey Day? Are you going to be brave and try to eat some dandelions on Weed Appreciation Day? Will everything you eat be on a stick on Something on a Stick Day?
Bat Appreciation Day & Other Unusual Holidays
On Bat Appreciation Day, will you put bat houses up on your land? How many chores will you get done on Blah,Blah, Blah Day? What wild guess will you make on Take a Wild Guess Day?
Be Humble Day and Other Unusual Holidays
How humble are you on Be Humble Day? Is Walking the Dog Day a special day for your furry friend? What do you think about on International World Thinking Day? Maybe one of the following unusual holidays will be the inspiration for your next story.
Be Nasty Day & Other Unusual Holidays
Do you encourage any young ladies to write on Girls Write Now Day? How long does it take you to organize your work space on Organize Your Home Office Day? How much popcorn do you eat on Popcorn Lover's Day?
Bedbugs - a Review
Bedbugs, written by Ben H. Winters, is a horror novel. If you don´t like bugs, it is even more horrifying.
Beta Readers
The articles in this sub-section pertain to beta readers, who provide a typical reader reaction before the publication process.
Beware the Mary Sue Character
The Mary Sue character reads like a too-perfect version of the author. With no faults, she has no depth or complexity, and therefore no story worth caring about. She drags down the strongest plot, but if you know her characteristics, you can transform her into someone real on the rewrite.
Biography of Mary Wolstonecraft Shelley
Mary Shelley wrote "Frankenstein" at the age of nineteen. Read more about this interesting woman of the 19th Century. If you´re stuck for ideas - try dreaming.
Blood Faerie - a Review
Blood Faerie is an urban fantasy novel written by author India Drummond. It is the first novel in the Caledonia Fae series.
Blood Promise - a Review
Blood Promise was written by Randy Daudlin, who has worked as a special effects make-up artist for over 28 years. His first published book takes us into the realm of vampires.
Book of Poisons - Review
The Book of Poisons, by Serita Stevens and Anne Bannon, isn’t just for those who are looking for a way to rid themselves of someone they don’t like, it is a guide for writers who need to decide what poison would be perfect for one of their villains to use.
Bubble Gum Day and Other Unusual Holidays
The following unusual holidays are celebrated on February 3. Choose your favorite, do some more research on it, and make it part of your next story. Maybe using one of these lesser known, unusual holidays in your story will make it become a well-known holiday.
Cacophony of Sound to Cease and Desist
When you say a redundant phrase, you are just repeating yourself. How many of these redundancies are you used to hearing or using?
California Caress - a Review
California Caress, written by Rebecca Sinclair, is a western historical romance. Full of laughs, heartbreak, treachery, and unbridled passion, this story takes place during the time when people are flocking out west to pan for gold.
Cat Herders Day and Other Unusual Holidays
We all know that Christmas is celebrated on December 25th, but did you know that December 18th this year is Roast Suckling Pig Day? Read on for some little known holidays celebrated this month that would add something extra to your story.
Cereal Day & Other Offbeat Holidays
Are you tempted to find out the meaning of your name on Learn What Your Name Means Day? How many bowls of cereal will you eat on Cereal Day? Will you be a winner on World Maths Day? Will your voice be heard on National Be Heard Day?
Character Problems
Have your characters ever given you problems? Since you are the writer, shouldn´t your characters just do exactly as you tell them? Well, not always. If you allow it, your characters will come to life and tell you how your story should progress.
Check out the Website DoesTheDogDie.com
The website DoesTheDogDie.com lists movies with succinct information on whether the plot of each requires an animal to be harmed or die. This enables the soft-hearted to avoid such movies. I wish there were an equivalent website for fiction books.
Choosing a Name for Your Character
There are several things you should consider before choosing the name your character will be known by.
Christian Fiction Book Reviews
Here you will find reviews of books that are in the Christian fiction genre.
CinderElla - a Review
Grimm´s Fairy Tales did not come entirely from the imaginations of Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm. They based them on folk tales told to them by villagers. The harsh, bloody, violent original tales have lasted down through the ages. Modern translations have softened them to some extent.
Circle Around to Compete with Each Other
Have you ever said that you would like to see something completely destroyed? Or maybe you have said that you would be in close proximity to someone or something. Possibly you have said that you need to circle around the block.
Close Ups & Close Encounters - a Review
Close Ups & Close Encounters works as an informative reference for any writer who plans on creating a character who is a wildlife photographer. Or maybe you just want to use the pictures as writing prompts. Your creative mind should come up with several ideas as you gaze at each photograph.
Coffee, Cigarettes, and Writer's Block
A fresh cup of coffee is in front of you, your cigarette is burning, the laptop is open, and its blank screen is staring back at you. We've all been there. You are ready to write, but nothing, not even one word, pops into your head.
Cold Blooded Killers – a Review
I found these books to be very interesting and great references for writers of fiction. If you want to delve into the frightening mind and world of a cold-blooded killer and see what makes him act the way he does, you need look no further than these books.
Collective Nouns for Animals
Here you will find collective nouns for animals we love to have around us and for animals we don´t want anywhere near.
Commercial Print Publishers
A list of commercially printed book publishers. This list is not exhaustive or guaranteed in any way. Please check current warnings and submission guidelines for any publisher before contacting.
Commonly Misused Words
“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” That is a line, said by Inigo Montoya in one of my favorite movies, The Princess Bride.
When writing, when we need to be sure of the meaning of the words we use.
Conclusion of Conversation with Ben H. Winters
Here is the conclusion of my interview with Ben H. Winters, the author of The Last Policeman and Bedbugs.
Conclusion of Interview with BK Walker
How does BK Walker plan out what is going to happen in her books? How does she choose names for her characters? Has writing changed her life? And what is her advice to writers who would like to be published? Find out in the conclusion of my interview with her.
Conclusion of Interview with Carol Taylor
This is the conclusion of my interview with Carol Taylor, author of "The Ex Chronicles".
Conclusion of Interview with Ceri Radford
Here is the conclusion of my interview with Ceri Radford, author of A Surrey State of Affairs.
Conclusion of Interview with Charles Gilman
Here is part 2 and the conclusion of my interview with Charles Gilman, author of Professor Gargoyle.
Conclusion of Interview with Daphne Woods
This is the conclusion of my interview with Daphne Woods.
Conclusion of Interview with Darlene Biese Schultz
This is the conclusion of my interview with author Darlene Biese Schultz.
Conclusion of Interview with Deborah Hale
This is the conclusion of my interview with Deborah Hale, author of Confessions of a Courtesan.
Conclusion of Interview with Donna Sundblad
The conclusion of my interview with Donna Sundblad.
Conclusion of Interview with Douglas E. Richards
This is the conclusion of my interview with Douglas E. Richards, author of Wired.
Conclusion of Interview with Erik Paul Rocklin
Here is the conclusion of my interview with Erik Paul Rocklin, author of "The Tapestry of Spirit".
Conclusion of Interview with Grace Mattioli
Here is the conclusion of my interview with Grace Mattioli, author of Olive Branches Don´t Grow on Trees.
Conclusion of Interview with India Drummond
This is the conclusion of my interview with author India Drummond.
Conclusion of Interview with James W. Lewis
This is the conclusion of my interview with James W. Lewis.
Conclusion of Interview with Jason Brant
This is the conclusion of my interview with Jason Brant, author of Gehenna and Echoes.
Conclusion of Interview with Jason Heller
The conclusion of my interview with Jason Heller, author of "Taft 2012".
Conclusion of Interview with Jaymes E. Terry
This is the conclusion of my interview with Jaymes E. Terry, author of Tribes of Time.
Conclusion of Interview with Karen Essex
This is the conclusion of my interview with Karen Essex.
Conclusion of Interview with L.L. Barkat
In the conclusion of my interview with Laura Barkat, discover how she balances her writing life with her family life and the advice she has for writers who haven´t yet been published.
Conclusion of Interview with Lynn Cullen
Here is the conclusion of my interview with Lynn Cullen.
Conclusion of Interview with Margaret Hermes
Here is the conclustion of my interview with Margaret Hermes, author of the collection of short stories in the book Relative Strangers.
Conclusion of Interview with Marsha Srameck
This is the conclusion of my interview with Marsha Srameck, author of The Great Grammar Book: Mastering Grammar Usage and the Essentials of Composition.
Conclusion of Interview with Meredith Allard
This is the conclusion of my interview with Meredith Allard, author of Her Dear and Loving Husband.
Conclusion of Interview with Michael Mendoza
This is the conclusion of my interview with Michael Mendoza, author of Glorious Reality of War.
Conclusion of Interview with Nelani A. Nettrour
Here is the conclusion of my interview with Nelani A. Nettrour, author of Soaring Free and Arcan´s Revenge.
Conclusion of Interview with Paul Collins
This is the conclusion of my interview with Paul Collins, author of "Mystery of Everyman´s Way" and "Mack Dunstan´s Inferno".
Conclusion of Interview with Peter J West
How does the author balance his time between family, friends, and writing? What advice does he have for those who are striving to be published?
Conclusion of Interview with R.L. Mathewson
This is the conclusion of my interview with R.L. Mathewson, author or Playing for Keeps.
Conclusion of Interview with Rebecca Graf
This is the conclusion of my interview with Rebecca Graf, author of "A Gift for a Mouse".
Conclusion of Interview with Ruth Nestvold
This is the conclusion of my interview with Ruth Nestvold, author of Never Ever After.
Conclusion of Interview with Sally Franz
The last half of my interview with Sally Franz.
Conclusion of Interview with Sheldon Greene
Conclusion of interview with Sheldon Greene, author of "Pursuit of Happiness".
Conclusion of Interview with Stephanie Silberstein
Here is the conclusion of my interview with Stephanie Silberstein.
Conclusion of Interview with Steve Hockensmith
This is the conclusion of my interview with Steve Hockensmith.
Conclusion of Interview with Thomasina Burke
This is the conclusion of my interview with Thomasina Burke.
Conclusion of Legs
This is the conclusion of "Legs". Hope you enjoy it.
Conclusion of Legs
This is the conclusion of "Legs". Hope you enjoy it.
Conclusion of My Interview with Eugene Bradley
This is the conclusion of my interview with Eugene Bradley.
Confessions of a Courtesan - a Review
Confessions of a Courtesan, an historical fiction novel, was written by Deborah Hale. In this book full of history, romance, and drama, you get to see how once penniless and homeless Elizabeth Bridget Cane became one of the most respected women in the empire.
Most people, if asked what a conflict is, will say a fight or an argument. A fight or an argument is conflict, but conflict is not just a fight or an argument. Look at the above definition and you can see that there is so much more to conflict than just argument.
Connie Corcoran Wilson - Advice for Writers
How does this author balance her time between family, friends, and writing? What advice does she have for authors striving to be published? What does she think about self-publishing?
Connie Corcoran Wilson - Character Development
How does the author choose the names of her characters? How completely does she develop her characters before she begins to write? Which scene from this book was her favorite?
Connie Corcoran Wilson – Inspiration
What was the author´s inspiration for this book? How long did it take her to complete it?
Connie Corcoran Wilson – Opportunities
Is the author successful enough to write full-time? What type of books does she like to read? What is her favorite genre in which to write? What opportunities has she had because of her writing?
Connie Corcoran Wilson – Research
When did this author first feel the desire to write, and how did this desire manifest itself? Does she take the time to write each day? How much research did she have to do in order to write this book?
Continuation of Interview with Carol Taylor
This is part 3 of my interview with Carol Taylor, author of "The Ex Chronicles".
Continuation of Interview with Daphne Woods
This is the third part of my interview with Daphne Woods.
Continuation of Interview with Deborah Hale
This is the second part of my interview with Deborah Hale, author of Confessions of a Courtesan.
Continuation of Interview with Douglas E. Richards
This is a continuation of my interview with Douglas E. Richards, author of Wired.
Continuation of Interview with India Drummond
This is part 2 of my interview with author India Drummond.
Continuation of Interview with Karen Essex
This is the second part of my interview with Karen Essex.
Continuation of Interview with Lynn Cullen
Part 2 of my interview with Lynn Cullen, author of "The Creation of Eve" and "Reign of Madness".
Continuation of Interview with Meredith Allard
This is part 3 of my interview with Meredith Allard, author of Her Dear and Loving Husband.
Continuation of Interview with Nelani A. Nettrour
This is a continuation of my interview with Nelani A. Nettrour, author of Soaring Free and Arcan´s Revenge.
Continuation of Interview with Peter J. West
How many other books have been written by this author? When does he usually find time to write them?
Continuation of Interview with Randy Daudlin
How did he choose the names for his characters? What new opportunities have come his way because of his writing? Does this author ever become bored with what he is writing?
Continuation of Interview with Rebecca Graf
This is a continuation of my interview with Rebecca Graf, author of "A Gift for a Mouse".
Continuation of Interview with Susan Meredith
A continuation of my interview with Susan Meredith and her editor granddaughter, Catelyn.
Continuation of Interview with T.H.E. Hill
A continuation of my interview with T.H.E. Hill.
Continuation of Interview with Thomasina Burke
Here is more of my interview with Thomasina Burke, author of "Magic Bridge".
Countdown City – a Review
In The Last Policeman, it is discovered that there is an asteroid hurtling towards Earth. This asteroid cannot be stopped. In Countdown City: The Last Policeman Book II, there are only seventy-seven days left before Earth is hit by this deadly asteroid, and all life, such as it is, will end.
Creative Writing Exercises
February will be the month of creative writing exercises. Each week I will suggest different exercises that will possibly improve your writing skills. I hope you benefit from and enjoy these exercises.
Crime Novels and the Easter Witch
Here in the United States, we celebrate Easter by going to church to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, having Easter egg hunts, and eating the ears off of chocolate bunnies. What about other countries? How do they celebrate this holiday?
Crocodile Poo & Other Daring Ways to Attain Beauty
Down through history, women have gone to some extreme measures to make themselves attractive. Even today, some will do some crazy things to try and make themselves appealing to someone they are attracted to. Some of these daring and potentially dangerous beauty practices are ancient, some are used
Dancing with Jesus - a Review
In Ecclesiastes 3, we are told that for everything there is a season, and a time for every matter or purpose under heaven. It says that there is a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance. When the time to dance comes around, it is time to use this book.
Danvers State Hospital & Waverly Hills Sanatorium
Have you ever thought about using a mental hospital in your story? The reasons people were admitted to these institutions suggest many different story ideas, as does the waysthey were treated.
Daughter of York - a Review
The historical fiction novel Daughter of York, written by Anne Easter Smith, is the story of Margaret of York. She was also known as Margaret of Burgundy because of her marriage. The book opens in 1461 as young 15-year-old Margaret is mourning the deaths of her father and brother.
Dawn of the Dreadfuls - Review
The book opens during a funeral. The corpse just doesn’t behave as a corpse should. Instead of staying in the coffin, waiting to be put in the ground and decay, he rises up out of it, emitting an unearthly howl. Needless to say, the funeral comes to a dead halt. This is just the beginning.
Dealing with Writer´s Block
The dictionary defines writer´s block as a usually temporary psychological inability to begin or continue work on a piece of writing. Scary thought, huh? For a writer, not being able to write can shatter an ego and become a nightmare.
Death by Honey
Honey is that wonderfully sweet and sticky substance made by bees using nectar or pollen collected from flowers. It is nutritious and is the only food that contains all the substances necessary to sustain life. How can someone become mad or even die from ingesting it?
Death Cap, the Murderous Mushroom
Mushrooms have been used in many murder mysteries as a weapon of death. Exactly what varieties of mushroom cause death? Can they be easily recognized? How easy would it be for someone to commit murder using mushrooms? In this article, we take a look at the Death Cap mushroom.
Decision or Destiny - a Review
How much do the decisions we make affect our lives? Exactly how do they affect the direction our lives go in? If we take a wrong turn, can we ever find happiness again?
Anytime I read a story, I see it played out as a movie in my mind. Therefore, a writer is an artist who is painting a picture inside the reader’s head. How many details are enough to paint a perfect picture?
Devil´s Oven - a Review
Laura Benedict brings us another winner with Devil´s Oven. This story is set in the Appalachian Mountains, a place that is full of all kinds of legends and possible creepy scenarios.
Dialogue Creative Writing Exercises
Many writers shy away from dialogue. This bunch of exercises will focus on improving the way you write dialogue, maybe even teach you not to be afraid of it.
Did my Knowledge of Gypsies Affect What I Wrote?
My knowledge of Gypsies is limited to what I learned from my mom, and from what I have seen in old movies. The only research I did was to check my ancestor’s last name against a list of known Gypsy clans. I didn’t find it. - Marianne Spitzer
Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk Day & Other Holidays
How many new friends will you make on Make a Friend Day? Will you use electricity on Be Electrific Day? Of course you will. Nearly everyone uses this great discovery just about every day. Do you own a white shirt to wear on White Shirt Day and why would you want to wear one?
Doomsday Picture Writing Prompts
I’m sure that by now you are aware of the rumor that the world will end on December 21, 2012. Do you believe everything will really end on that date? I don’t, but this is an opportunity for you, as a writer, to create stories that depict the end of life as we know it.
Dr. Seuss Day & Other Bizarre Holidays
Do you prefer to write mysteries or romances, thrillers or fantasies, science fiction or historical fiction? Whatever genre you prefer, I'm sure you can find a way to include one of the bizarre holidays that occur in March in your story. It will add a bit of something different to your story.
Dracula in Love - a Review
"Dracula in Love", by Karen Essex, is the sensual, yet terrifying, story of Dracula told by Mina Murray Harker, the one female who is closer to Count Dracula better than anyone else.
Dreadfully Ever After - a Review
"Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: Dreadfully Ever After", by Steve Hockensmith, is the third book in the Pride and Prejudice and Zombie series from Quirk Classics. It is a thrilling, action-packed, hilarious conclusion to the Pride and Prejudice and Zombie series.
Dumbstruck Day & Other Daffy Holidays
Who will you confess to and what will you confess on True Confessions Day? Will you be able to do anything right on Everything You Think is Wrong Day? What is going to happen to leave you speechless on Dumbstruck Day?
Dyngus Day & Other Daffy Holidays
Who will you hose down with water on Dyngus Day? Do you have an antique to cherish on National Cherish an Antique Day? Will your name be mentioned hundreds of years from now in the history books? If so, why?
E-Book Publishers
A list of electronic book publishers. This list is not exhaustive or guaranteed in any way. Please check current warnings for any publisher before contacting.
Eight Writing Problems
Eight common problems that many writers have and how to deal with them.
Elijah: the Prophet Child - a Review
Are you looking for a book for some special young person that isn´t filled with vampires, zombies, werewolves, and magic? Are you looking for a book that has a real hero? If so, I highly recommend this extremely entertaining read by Vince Stone.
Elijah: The Sidonian Conflict - a Review
Vince Stone has given us another great story that will be enjoyed by young and old alike. It is a story without vampires, wizards, zombies, or other not-so-nice creatures. It will keep the interest of those whom most books bore quickly. Best of all, it gives one a true hero to look up to.
Eskimo Pie Patent Day & Other Odd Holidays
How many beer cans will you collect on Beer Can Appreciation Day? Will you laugh out loud on Belly Laugh Day? Will you try an Eskimo Pie for the very first time on Eskimo Pie Patent Day? And will you talk like grizzled prospector on Talk Like a Grizzled Prospector Day?
Exercises in Creative Writing
Here are some exercises to get your creative juices flowing. Have fun!!!
Exercises in Creative Writing ebook
Creative writing is an enjoyable pastime that needs to be practiced in order to be perfected. Remember the first time you wrote a letter? I’ll bet it was a lot more difficult to write that first letter than it was to write the hundredth letter. The more you practice, the better you become at it.
Exercises to Add Spark to Your Creative Writing
This is the last of the creative writing exercises articles for this month. I hope these articles have challenged your writing and improved it. I urge you to continue exercising your writing ability each and every possible moment.
Extraterrestrial Day & Other Odd Holidays
If you had a toothache, would you want to celebrate Toothache Day? If my guess is right, you would probably much rather celebrate Read in the Bathtub Day or Extraterrestrial Day. Perhaps one of these holidays will fit perfectly in a story you are writing.
Facing the Hunchback of Notre Dame - a Review
Twins Linus and Ophelia Easterday are deserted by their parents and left with their aunt and uncle, Portia and Augustus Sandwich, for five long years. Their aunt and uncle own and run a store that sells old and rare books. What is there to enjoy while there?
According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a fairy is a mythical being of folklore and romance usually having diminutive human form and magic powers. Have you ever wondered just what the origin of these magical creatures is?
Fall Festivals That Celebrate Animals
Every writer wants the setting in his story to be as authentic as possible. You want the reader to feel as though he is part of the story and is right there experiencing everything right along with your characters.
Ferris Wheel Day and Other Unusual Holidays
Do you wait all year for Clean Out Your Computer Day to clean our all the files that are no longer used? How many times can you change your name on Get a Different Name Day?
Fiction for the Young at Heart
These selections of fiction are appropriate for children of any age to read.
Fiction for the Young at Heart Book Reviews
Reviews of books written for children or those who are young at heart.
Fiction Writing forum at BellaOnline
Come on down the rabbit hole - where a bunch of interesting characters are waiting to meet you! Don’t forget your notebook…
Fiction Writing Shop
Take some time and browse through the selections of fiction, writing and reference books and software in my shop. Here you can also learn about the Paperback Swap Club.
Fictionalized Memoirs and Historical Fiction
Experience someone´s actual life events through a fictionalized memoir. Relive the events of history through fiction.
Find a Rainbow Day & Other Uncommon Holidays
Will you see a rainbow on Find a Rainbow Day? Are you going to wear tweed clothing on Tweed Day?
Flying Death
Curare is known as flying death or moonseed as well as other more scientific names. It is the poison that South American tribesmen put on the tips of their arrows to poison either the game they are hunting or their enemies. The poison would just kill the animals and not infect the meat.
Forces of Nature - Thunderstorms
A thunderstorm produces heavy rain and it accompanied by thunder and lightning. At times it also produces hail and heavy, damaging winds. They are a force of nature, and when conditions are right, they unleash their fury. How can this be used in your writing?
Another tool used by the writer to add suspense, dread or excitement to the story is foreshadowing. What is foreshadowing and how does one use it successfully?
Form a Local Writers´ Group
A writers’ group is made up of people who love to write. In a group like this, you can share your hopes and dreams as a writer, you can connect with others who love to write, and maybe you can learn new ways to improve your skills.
Fragrance Day & Other Uncommon Holidays
Should you buy a special perfume on Fragrance Day? How will you record your memories on Memory Day? Even though courtesy seems to be a thing of the past, are you going to practice being courteous on National Common Courtesy Day?
Free Writing Courses
Many of you that wish to take writing courses may not be able to afford them right now, but there are still many option available to help you in your quest to improve your creative writing skills.
Gambara Fiction [offsite link]
Market for literary and mainstream short stories.
Gehenna - a Review
Gehenna, written by Jason Brant, is a horror novel. This is the first book by this author that I have read, and I was not disappointed. I am a big fan of zombie stories. There may be more out there written with the twist this one is written with, but if there are, I haven´t read them.
Gift Ideas for the Writer in Your Life
Do you have any friends or loved ones who are a writers? Having problems deciding what to get them for their birthdays or Christmas? Would you like to give them something that would inspire their writing and put their creative minds to work?
Glorious Reality of War - a Review
Glorious Reality of War is a riveting account of the Civil War written by Michael Mendoza. It based on an old handwritten letter found written by the book´s main character, C.W. Rickard, to his 25-year-old daughter.
Go For Broke Day & Other Special Holidays
What risky endeavor will you undertake on Go For Broke Day? Will you travel to Chicago to visit Uno on National Deep Dish Pizza Day? How will you make your job fun on National Fun at Work Day?
Grammar Review
Anyone who writes needs to possess at least a basic understanding of grammar and how to use it to their advantage. Reading an article or story by someone who has poor command of the English language can seriously detract from the story.
Groundhog Day and Other Unusual Holidays
Will Punxsutawney Phil see predict that winter will continue for six more weeks? Or will the marmot in Alaska predict an end to winter is near? Or will the hedgehog see his shadow underneath a clear moon?
Gypsy Spirits – a Review
What is a teenage wife to do when her husband insists there are spirits chasing after him? When one of his friends is brutally murdered, he is convinced the spirits killed him, and that they are coming after him next.
Articles that have to do with the spookiest season of the year.
Halloween Idioms and Words
Are you looking for idioms and words that can be used to set a creepy tone to your scene or story? Do you want to use words that will send shivers up your readers´ spines? Is it your desire for those who hold your book in their hands to be frozen with fear?
Halloween Related Phobias
Halloween Words
Following are some spooky words associated with this time of year. Maybe you could put some of these words to use in the Halloween writing prompts I have suggested in previous articles.
Halloween Words
Following are some spooky words associated with this time of year. Maybe you could put some of these words to use in the Halloween writing prompts I have suggested in previous articles.
Halloween Writing Prompts
I thought some writing prompts for the spookiest time of year would be appropriate. Even if one doesn’t celebrate Halloween, one is surrounded by the decorations and the excitement of children who want to trick-or-treat and get as much candy as possible. Have fun with the prompts.
Hansel and Gretel - a Review
The stories of the Brothers Grimm have captivated children since they were first published in 1812. Many Europeans in the early 1800s saw life as cruel and erratic. Despite the cruel actions that took place in many of these tales, each one of them taught a lesson.
Haunted Hotels in the U.S.
Have you ever stopped to think about all the things that could have happened in the hotel you stayed in? People from many different walks of life have slept there. Did all of them leave the room alive? The last occupant of your room could have been a thief, a bank robber, a kidnapper, or a murder
Hauntingly Elegant Doll Picture Writing Prompts
What do you see when you look at this picture? Do you see just an old worn-out doll? Perhaps you think she is ready to be thrown away. Or do you see her as material for a story? I see her as a fighter and a survivor. She looks as though she has come through a terrible ordeal.
Hedgehog Day and Other Unusual Holidays
Most of the holidays observed on February 2 are a way of celebrating that we are half-way through winter. Choose one of the below unusual holidays, investigate it further yourself, and write a story around it.
Her Dear and Loving Husband - a Review
Her Dear and Loving Husband, written by Meredith Allard, is book one in The Loving Husband Trilogy. The story has vampires, witches, and even a werewolf. And it is set in Salem, Massachusetts. What better location for a story with such supernatural characters?
Historical Fiction Genre
Historical fiction is fiction based on events that happened in the past or on people who lived in the past. I enjoyed history in school, but intentionally stayed away from reading any historical fiction. I really didn’t think that it would be any entertaining or enjoyable at all. How wrong I was!
Hobson’s Choice – a Review
Hobson’s Choice is a collection of short stories by Clive West. I enjoyed these stories. They were very well written, entertaining, and thought provoking. The situations we go through in life do not always have happy endings. Each story ends with an unexpected twist, but not necessarily a happy one.
Holiday Fiction Selections
Fiction that is centered around holidays, such as Christmas and Halloween.
Holidays Associated with Halloween
These holidays all have to do with food or other things that one would associate with Halloween, or they just happen to occur on the same day as the spookiest day of the year.
Holidyays Associated with Halloween
These holidays all have to do with food or other things that one would associate with Halloween, or they just happen to occur on the same day as the spookiest day of the year.
A treasury of words that sound alike, yet are spelled differently and have different meanings.
Hook The Readers Through Character Emotion
If you are writing a novel that feels flat and boring, you will need to rewrite to go deeper into what is at stake for your viewpoint character. The stronger his emotion, the more interesting the story. We readers can all relate to needing something.
How to Use the Comma
The comma is one of the most important punctuation marks, and it is also one of the most misused. Most often, a comma means that the reader needs to pause in his reading. How a comma is used can change the meaning of the entire sentence.
Hugh Centerville - Advice for Writers
What kind of books does the author like to read? How does he divided his time between family, friends, and writing? What advice does he have for aspiring authors?
Hugh Centerville - Characters
Which character was the author’s favorite? How were the names of the characters chosen,and how completely did he develp them before he began writing? Which scene did he like the best? How long did it take him to decide on the book’s title?
Hugh Centerville - Dedication
Who is Lucretia Jane Barrett, and why did the author dedicate his book to her? How long did it take for this book to be completed? Why did the author choose to have this story take place in the 1960s?
Hugh Centerville - Research
What was the inspiration for this book? How much research did the author have to do? What are his thoughts on self-publishing? How much of the book does he have planned out before he starts writing?
Humbug Day & Other Xmas-Related Holidays
Will your character dance around his Xmas tree on Falling Needles Family Fest Day? Could your character´s uncle make Scrooge look like a great guy to work for? Could he be the real reason for Humbug Day? Does the character you created plan on celebrating A´phabet Day when he learns his alphabet?
I Love to Write Day & Other Offbeat Holidays
How much writing will you do on I Love to Write Day? Will you write a tongue twister in celebration of National Tongue Twister Day? For how long will you study the Fibonacci sequence on Fibonacci Day? Are you going to eat a cookie on Cookie Monster´s Birthday?
Ice Cream for Breakfast Day & Other Odd Holidays
Have you ever heard of Ice Cream for Breakfast Day? What about Thank a Mailman Day? You will learn about these and other unusual holidays that occur in February when you continue reading.
If your muse is anything like mine, she never picks a good time to give you ideas, never when pen and paper or computer are handy. By the time you are ready to write, all your great ideas have disappeared. Or have they? Sometimes you need to force them back out.
Information Cloud – a Review
This science fiction story, full of futuristic machinery and weapons, was written by Peter J. West. Something is rotten in Cinnamon City. Nick and Rachel are determined to find out who is at the root of all the corruption and stop it.
Int. Juggler's Day & Other Peculiar Holidays
Will you thank your favorite newspaper columnist on Newspaper Columnist's Day? What will you juggle on International Juggler's Day? Are you going to wear your pajamas to work on National Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day?
Interviews with Authors of Christian Fiction
Interviews with authors of Christian fiction.
Interviews with Authors of Erotic Fiction
Interviews with Authors of Fiction for the Young
Here you will find interviews with authors of fiction for the young at heart.
Interviews with Authors of Fictionalized Memoirs
Here you will find interviews with authors of fictionalized memoirs.
Interviews with Authors of Historical Fiction
Here you will find interviews with authors of historical fiction.
Interviews with Authors of Humorous Books
Interviews with Authors of Literary Fiction
Here you will find interviews with authors who have written literary fiction.
Interviews with Authors of Mystery/Thrillers
Here are interviews I have had with authors of mystery/thriller books.
Interviews with Authors of Paranormal Fiction
Interviews with Authors of Quirk Classics
Here you will find interviews I have had with authors of Quirk Classics.
Interviews with Authors of Quirk Classics
Here you will find interviews I have had with authors of Quirk Classics.
Inteviews with Authors of Writing Software/Courses
Here you will find interviews I have had with authors who have developed writing software and/or writing courses.
Into the Forest Again - a Review
This original spin on the classic tale was written by Shaunda Kennedy Wenger. Little Red Riding Hood is gonna go to her Grandma´s house for a party. This is an anthropomorphic tale, as not only are the animals given a voice, but so are common items like platters.
Jennifer Jackson´s Blog [offsite link]
Blog of literary agent Jennifer Jackson from the Donald Maass Literary Agency.
Kaffeeklatsch & Other German Words
German is a difficult language to learn, but many German words have been borrowed by the English language. Have you ever thought about working any of these words into your writing? Maybe you could create a character that has a tendency to throw German words into everything he says.
Kindergarten Day & Other Unusual Holidays
Will you visit a kindergarten class on Kingergarten Day? What music artist will you see on Record Store Day? On Bulldogs are Beautiful Day, will you tell your bulldog just how beautiful he is?
Lake Picture Writing Prompts
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but it is up to the author to write those thousand words. (Richard Petracca)
How many writing prompts can you come up with by looking at this picture?
Land Line Telephone Day & Other Odd Holidays
What feats of awesomeness are you going to do on International Day of Awesomeness? Are you going to have a land line phone installed on Land Line Telephone Day? Are you going to give up the use of your credit cards on U.S. Paper Money Day?
Legal Assistants Day & Other Quirky Holidays
On Legal Assistants Day, are you going to send your legal assistant a thank you card? On Quirky Music Song Titles Day, are you going to listen to some country music with quirky titles? Are you going to change your name on National “Joe” Day?
"Legs" is actually a fiction story, not an article. It is appropriate for Halloween and demonstrates how to use creepy crawlies in a story. I hope you enjoy it.
"Legs" is actually a fiction story, not an article. It is appropriate for Halloween and demonstrates how to use creepy crawlies in a story. I hope you enjoy it.
Lily of the Valley
The beautiful flower graces my yard during the spring, and you may even find it in yours. Its large, upright stems are called pipes, and from them hang sweet-smelling, bell-shaped, white flowers, and its berries are orange-red. Don’t be fooled by its beauty; all parts of it are extremely poisonous
Lips Appreciation Day & Other Crazy Holidays
Will you wear deep purple and emerald green on St. Urho's Day? Are you going to baby your lips on Lips Appreciation Day? Will you make any mistakes on Everything You Do is Right Day?
Literary Fiction Book Reviews
Here you will find reviews of books that are in the literary fiction genre.
Literary Fiction Selections
Here you will find a selection of books in the genre of literary fiction.
Little Red Riding Hood - a Review
Gabriella loved her grandmother very, very much. Visits with her included singing songs, reading stories, playing hide and seek, and eating special snacks. The grandmother loved Gabriella so much that she made her a special red, hooded cloak.
Lord Ware´s Widow - a Review
"Lord Ware´s Widow", written by Emily Harland, is a romance novel set during Regency England. Courtship during this period was very different than it is today, as were many other things. The book takes you back to a time when things were so much more innocent and women were definitely more modest
Lottie Barrett Lives (Again) – a Review
The title of this book, Lottie Barrett Lives (Again), immediately caught my attention. Was this book about a zombie? Or maybe it was about someone who had been brought back from the dead and given a second chance at life. What exactly is this novel written by Hugh Centerville about?
Mack Dunstan´s Inferno - a Review
I´m sure you remember my review on Mr. Collins´ last book, "Mystery of Everyman´s Way". He asked me to review this book for him, and since it wasn´t published by eTreasures publishing,I agreed to do so.
Mad Hatter Day and Other Unusual Holidays
How silly will you act at the tea party you throw on Mad Hatter Day? Do you need to go outside and scream on International Moment of Frustration Scream Day? How many fears do you need to face on National Face Your Fears Day? Are you going to overindulge in chocolate on National Chocolates Day?
Magic Bridge - a Review
“It isn´t your first meeting, getting married, or making love. It is the strength to do the hardest thing imaginable to ease the suffering of the one you love at the darkest moment of their life " - Thomasina Burke
Make Your Readers Feel at Home in Your Story
You don´t want your story to read like a tourism book or an atlas, so how do you make the reader feel like a part of the action and surroundings?
Marianne Spitzer - Advice for Writers
How much research did she have to do for this book? What does she do if she becomes bored with what she is writing? How does she balance her time between family, friends, and writing? What advice does she have for those who are striving to be published?
Marianne Spitzer on Self-Publishing
How important does the author believe that having a good editor is for the success of her books? When did she first feel the desire to write? What are her thoughts on self-publishing?
Marianne Spitzer – Character Development
What inspired the author to write Gypsy Spirits? How many more books will there be in this series? How does she develop her characters?
Marshall Plan Novel Writing Software - Review II
A continuation of my review on The Marshall Plan Novel Writing Software.
McSweeney [offsite link]
Short story market - accepts literary and mainstream.
Meggie Brooks - a Review
I found "Meggie Brooks", written by Daphne Woods, to be an extraordinarily well-written novel. The romance, mystery, humor, crises, Christian and conservative apologetics that it contains grabbed my interest and kept my housework from getting done.
Meteor Watch Day & Other Unusual Holidays
There are many unusual holidays in June. Whether you prefer to write mysteries or romance, thrillers or fantasies, science fiction or historical fiction, I'm sure you can find one of the three I've selected to mention that catches your eye and causes storylines to start running through your mind.
Michael Bray - Character Development
What was the inspiration for this book? How completely does he develop the characters before he begins to write? Which character was his favorite?
Michael Bray - Writing
When did he first feel the desire to write? Does he wait to be inspired before he writes? How much research did he have to do before writing Whisper? What opportunities have come his way because of his writing?
Michael Bray on Self-Publishing
How is his time divided between family, friends, and writing? What advice does he have for writers who are striving to be published? Where can you find him on the internet?
Miss Peregrine´s Home for. . .Review
The vivid descriptions and unique similes in "Miss Peregrine´s Home for Peculiar Children" filled the mind of this reader with vivid images. Some brought laughter, while others brought shivers of suspense. Ransom Riggs has successfully combined vintage photographs with an electrifying story.
Monkey Day & Other Unique Holidays
Will you save a mutt on National Mutt Day? On Monkey Day, are you going to wear a monkey costume? How many cats will you herd on Cat Herders Day? Are you going to wear a mask on Day of the Ninja? On National Salesperson Day, are you going to thank your salesperson?
Montana Wildfire - a Review
After the sudden death of her father, Amanda Lennox needs money to travel from Boston to the ranch she has inherited in Seattle. She sees an advertisement looking for a wilderness expert to take escort a young boy out to his father in Pony, Montana. What could be simpler?
More Answers from Carol Taylor
This is part 4 of my interview with Carol Taylor, author of "The Ex Chronicles".
More Answers from Nelani A. Nettrour
Here are some more answers from Nelani A. Nettrour, author of Soaring Free and Arcan´s Revenge.
More Answers from Peter J. West
How much research did the author have to do while writing this book? How developed are the characters before he begins writing a book? What kind of books does the author like to read?
More Commonly Misused Words
I am constantly amazed by how many people (including myself) misuse words. Meanings, as well as pronunciations, are always misunderstood. In this article I’m going to talk about some of the words that are commonly misused in writing, as well as in speaking.
More Creative Writing Exercises
Some more exercises to put your creative mind to work.
More Halloween Related Phobias
Phobias are everywhere. No matter what you fear, I´m sure there is a phobia that describes your fear perfectly. In this article are some phobias that I believe should be associated with Halloween.
More Halloween Writing Prompts
Have you ever had a dream that scared you really bad? Or have you been in a situation so bad you were hoping and praying it was a dream, only to find out that it was reality?
More Halloween Writing Prompts
Have you ever had a dream that scared you really bad? Or have you been in a situation so bad you were hoping and praying it was a dream, only to find out that it was reality?
More Haunted Hotels in the U.S.
Are you staying in a hotel that could be inhabited by the spirits of cowboys and Indians? Are the ghosts of those who committed suicides inhabiting the hallways and rooms? Here are some more haunted hotels in the U.S.
More of Interview with Carol Taylor
More of my interview with Carol Taylor, author of "The Ex Chronicles".
More of Interview with Daphne Woods
More of my interview with Daphne Woods.
More of Interview with Donna Sundblad
This is the second part of my interview with Donna Sundblad, author of "The Inheritance".
More of Interview with Jaymes E. Terry
This is the second part of my interview with Jaymes E. Terry, author of Tribes of Time.
More of Interview with Meredith Allard
Here is the second part of my interview with Meredith Allard, author of Her Dear and Loving Husband.
More of Interview with Michael Mendoza
Here is more of my interview with Michael Mendoza, author of Glorious Reality of War.
More of Interview with Nelani A. Nettrour
Here is more of my interview with Nelani A. Nettrour, author of Soaring Free and Arcan´s Revenge.
More of Interview with Peter J. West
When did the author first feel the desire to write? How does he feel about self-publishing?
More of Interview with Randy Daudlin
What was the inspiration for Blood Promise? When did this author first have the desire to write? What are his feelings about self-publishing?
More of Interview with T.H.E. Hill
Continuing on with my interview of T.H.E. Hill.
More of Interview with Thomasina Burke
Here is some more of my interview with Thomasina Burke.
More Strange Manias
Here are more strange manias, each accompanied by a writing exercise. Enjoy!!
Multiple Personality Day & Other Peculiar Holidays
Do you prefer to write mysteries or romances, thrillers or fantasies, science fiction or historical fiction? Whatever genre you prefer to write in, I'm sure you can find a way to include one of the peculiar holidays that occur in March in your story.
My Conversation with Ben H. Winters
Ben H. Winters, the author of Bedbugs and The Last Policeman, agreed to answer some questions for me. He gave some fantastic answers to my questions. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I did.
My Conversation with Charles Gilman
Who decides what monsters will be in each book? Which scene was the most fun to write? What advice does he have for authors who are striving to be published? Charles Gilman, author of The Slither Sisters, answers these questions and others.
My Interview with BK Walker
BK Walker, author of Night Secrets, answered some questions for me about her life and her writing career. Which character was her favorite, and which was her least favorite? What inspired this book? And how does she feel about self-publishing?
My Interview with Carol Taylor
Carol Taylor, author of "The Ex Chronicles", agreed to answer some questions for me. With her permission, I share those answers with you.
My Interview with Charles Gilman
Charles Gilman, author of Professor Gargoyle, agreed to answer some questions for me about his life and his writing career. I hope you find his answers as interesting as I did.
My Interview with Daphne Woods
Daphne Woods agreed to answer some questions for me. I hope you enjoy reading the answers as much as I did. This is the first part 1 of the 4 part interview.
My Interview with Darlene Biese Schultz
Darlene Biese Schultz, author of Decision or Destiny, answered some questions for me. With her permission, I share these answers with you. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.
My Interview with Deborah Hale
Deborah Hale, author of Confessions of a Courtesan, answered some questions about her life and her writing career for me. I hope you enjoy reading her answers.
My Interview with Donna Sundblad
Donna Sundblad, author of "The Inheritance", agreed to answer some questions for me. With her permission, I share her answers with you. I hope you enjoy her answers as much as I did.
My Interview with Douglas E. Richards
Douglas E. Richards, author of Wired, agreed to answer some questions about his writing career and his life for me. I hope you enjoy his interesting and informative answers as much as I did.
My Interview with Douglas McDonough
Douglas McDonough, author of "The Phoenix Gambit" kindly agreed to an interview. I hope his answers only deepen your curiosity about the Civil War and this fascinating period in the history of the United States.
My Interview with Erik Paul Rocklin
Erik Paul Rocklin, author of "The Tapestry of Spirit" agreed to answer some questions for me. I hope you find his answers as interesting as I did.
My Interview with Eugene Bradley
Eugene Bradley, author of "The Adventures of the Beat 5 Boys in the Adventure of the Swirling Waters" agreed to answer some questions for me. I hope you enjoy reading the answers as much as I did.
My Interview with Evan Marshall
Mr. Evan Marshall answered some questions about his book for me. In this article, I share his answers with you.
My Interview with Evan Marshall and Martha Jewett
I questioned Evan Marshall and Martha Jewett about The Marshall Plan Novel Writing Software. In this article, I share both the questions and answers with you.
My Interview with Grace Mattioli
Grace Mattioli, author of Olive Branches Don´t Grow on Trees, agreed to answer some questions for me about her life and her writing career. I hope you enjoy her answers as much as I did.
My Interview with Hy Conrad & Jeff Johnson
Hy Conrad and Jeff Johnson, the authors of Things Your Dog Doesn’t Want You to Know, agreed to answer some questions for me about their life and their writing careers. I hope you enjoy their answers as much as I did.
My Interview with India Drummond
India Drummond, author of Blood Faerie, agreed to answer some questions for me about her life and her writing career.
My Interview with James W. Lewis
James W. Lewis is the author of Sellout, A Hard Man is Good to Find, and Premature Eradication. As part owner of The Pantheon Collective, an indie publishing company, he has insights on publishing, as well as on writing. He agreed to answer some questions for me.
My Interview with Jason Brant
Jason Brant, author of Gehenna and Echoes, agreed to answer some questions for me. I hope you enjoy his answers as much as I did.
My Interview with Jason Heller
Jason Heller, author of "Taft 2012", agreed to answer some questions for me. With his permission, I share those answers with you. I hope you enjoy the interview as much as I did.
My Interview with Jaymes E Terry
Jaymes E. Terry, author of Tribes of Time, agreed to answer some questions for me about his life and writing career. I hope you enjoy his informative answers.
My Interview with Jill Shure
My interview with Jill Shure, author of "Night Jazz" and "Night Glitter".
My Interview with Karen Essex
Karen Essex, author of "Dracula in Love", agreed to answer some questions for me. With her permission, I share the answers with you. I hope you enjoy reading the interview as much as I did.
My Interview with L.L. Barkat
Laura Barkat, author of The Novelist, agreed to answer some questions for me about her life and her writing experiences. Discover why she felt the need to write this book, how she develops her characters, and more.
My Interview with Lynn Cullen
Lynn Cullen, author of "The Creation of Eve" and "Reign of Madness" allowed me to interview her over Skype. With her permission, I share the conversation we had below.
My Interview with Margaret Hermes
Margaret Hermes, author of the collection of short stories in the book Relative Strangers, agree to answer some questions for me. I found her answers to be entertaining and informative. I hope you find them the same.
My Interview with Marsha Sramek
Marsha Sramek, author of The Great Grammar Book: Mastering Grammar Usage and the Essentials of Composition agreed to answer some questions for me. With her permission, I share her answers with you. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.
My Interview with Meredith Allard
Meredith Allard, author of Her Dear and Loving Husband and Her Loving Husband´s Curse, agreed to answer some questions for me about her writing career and her life. Enjoy!
My Interview with Michael Mendoza
Michael Mendoza, author of Glorious Reality of War, agreed to answer some questions for me. I hope you enjoy reading the answers as much as I did.
My Interview with Nelani A. Nettrour
Nelani A. Nettrour, author of Soaring Free and Arcan´s Revenge, agreed to answer some questions for me. I hope you find her answers as interesting and enjoyable as I did.
My Interview with Paul Collins
Paul Collins, author of "Mystery of Everyman´s Way" and "Mack Dunstan´s Inferno", agreed to answer some questions for me. With his permission, I share both the questions and answers with you.
My Interview with Peter J. West
What was the inspiration for this book? Which character and scene are the author’s favorite? Which ones are his least favorite?
My Interview with Randy Daudlin
How long did it take Randy Daudlin to write Blood Promise? Are there any sequels planned? Will this book be made into a movie?
My Interview with Ransom Riggs
Ransom Riggs, author of "Miss Peregrine´s Home for Peculiar Children" answered some questions for me. With his permission, I share the answers with you. I hope you enjoy reading the answers as much as I did.
My Interview with Rebecca Graf
Rebecca Graf, author of "A Gift for a Mouse", agreed to answer some questions for me. With her permission, I share these answers with you. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.
My Interview with Ruth Nestvold
This is part one of my interview with Ruth Nestvold, author of Never Ever After.
My Interview with Sally Franz
The first half of my interview with Sally Franz.
My Interview with Sam Stall
Sam Stall, the author of Dancing with Jesus, agreed to answer some questions for me. What was the inspiration for this book? Does he ever see these dances being done in a church? What advice does he have for those who want to have their work published?
My Interview with Stephanie Casher
This is part one of my interview with Stephanie Casher, author of When Love Isn´t Enough.
My Interview with Stephanie Silberstein
Today´s article is the first part of my interview with Stephanie Silberstein.
My Interview with Steve Hockensmith
This is the first part of my interview with Steve Hockensmith, author of "Dawn of the Dreadfuls".
My Interview with Susan Meredith and Catelyn
This is part 1 of my interview with Susan Meredith and her editor granddaughter, Catelyn.
My Interview with T.H.E. Hill
Here is my interview with T.H.E. Hill, the author of "The Day Before the Berlin Wall". I hope you enjoy the interview as much as I did. (The interview has 4 separate parts.)
My Interview with Thomasina Burke
Thomasina Burke, the author of "Magic Bridge", agreed to answer some questions for me. With her permission, I share these answers with you. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I did.
My Writing Quirks & Must-Haves to Write
I like to think that I´m fairly uncomplicated when it comes to my writing. That said, there are a few little needs that I must have satisfied and some quirky habits that are definitely idiosyncratic.
Mystery of Everyman´s Way - a Review
"Mystery of Everyman’s Way" sounded as though it would be exciting. It was supposed to be full of twists and turns that would keep me on the edge of my seat. My excitement about reading this particular book soon withered away to boredom when I found the story impossible to follow or understand.
Mystery/Thriller /Horror Book Reviews
Reviews of books that are in the mystery and thriller genres.
Mystery/Thriller/Horror Selections
Selections of fiction that are filled with mystery and will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Napping Day & Other Goofy Holidays
How many naps do you plan on taking on Napping Day? Are you going to have a Donald Duck cartoon festival on Donald Duck Day? Are you going to be brave enough to open an umbrella inside your house on National Open An Umbrella Indoors Day?
National Chili Day and Other Unusual Holidays
Do you celebrate National Tortilla Chip Day almost every day? Do you make a big pot of your favorite chili to accompany the chips on National Chili Day? Are you so thankful for Tennis Day that you challenge everyone you know to your own private tennis tournament?
National Gum Drop Day and Other Odd Holidays
How many gum drops can you eat on National Gum Drop Day? Can you put a smile on a grouchy face on Do a Grouch a Favor Day? What in the world are you supposed to celebrate on Cow Milked While Flying in an Airplane Day?
National Hat Day & Other Loony Holidays
How many things will you doubt on International Skeptics Day? Will any of your dreams come true on Make Your Dreams Come True Day? Will you buy a new rubber ducky on Rubber Ducky Day? Does your pet have a new outfit for Dress Up Your Pet Day? What kind of hat will you wear on National Hat Day?
National PB & J Day and Other Unusual Holidays
How will you encourage a young person's love of reading on International Children's Book Day? How many peanut butter & jelly sandwiches will you eat on National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day? Will you visit Benton, Kentucky on Tater Day?
National Weatherman's Day & Other Odd Holidays
Will your weatherperson accurately forecast the weather on National Weatherman's Day? Learn about this unusual holiday and others that occur before Valentine's Day. Choose on of the most interesting holidays and write a story featuring it.
Never Ever After - a Review
Do you remember being read fairy tales when you were a child? The monsters were always defeated, the beautiful lady was always rescued by Prince Charming, and everyone lived happily ever after. What happened after the end of the stories that we read? Did everyone really live happily ever after?
New Year's Resolutions for Writers
The New Year’s resolutions of a writer should focus mainly on different aspects of writing. When you look back over the past year, are there things you wish you had done differently?
Niagara Falls Runs Dry Day & Other Weird Holidays
What illusion will you create on Festival of Smoke and Mirrors Day? Will you start your own business on National Mom & Pop Business Owner's Day? Will you visit Niagara Falls on Niagara Falls Runs Dry Day?
Night Secrets - a Review
Night Secrets, a paranormal romance that is fast-paced and full of suspense, was written by BK Walker. The story flows extremely well from beginning to end, keeps you in suspense, and leaves you hungry for more.
No Housework Day & Other Bizarre Holidays
Will you find a pillow fight taking place in a nearby city and join in on International Pillow Fight Day? Who will you get to do your housework on No Housework Day?
No Interruptions Day & Other Unusual Holidays
On December 31, will your character celebrate New Year’s Eve? Or will he celebrate one of the other holidays that are also on this day? Maybe she will choose Make Up Your Mind Day. How about No Interruptions Day or Unlucky Day? Which holiday appeals to your character?
Olive Branches Don´t Grow on Trees - a Review
Olive Branches Don´t Grow on Trees is the first novel written by Grace Mattioli. Silvia, the main character of this book, just can´t seem to stay in one place very long. She moves from one city to another in hopes of finding happiness. Is there a reason she is like this?
On Maggie´s Watch - a Review
“Wash your hands and say your prayers, ‘cause Jesus and germs are everywhere!” The opening line of "On Maggie’s Watch", by Ann Wertz Garvin, drew me immediately into the book and had me hooked.
Opposite Day and Other Unusual Holidays
There are an abundance of unusual holidays in January that we can use to add a touch of something different to our stories. In this article, I'll tell you about the unusual holidays from the twenty-fifth day of January through the thirty-first day of January.
Outlandish Fall Festivals
Some very unusual festivals take place during the fall season. If one of the festivals I talk about in this article catch your interest, maybe you will want to include it in your next story.
Pancake Day and Other Unusual Holidays
Do you tend to spoil your pets on Love Your Pet Day? Are you brave enough to celebrate Northern Hemisphere Hoodie Hoo Day? Are you lucky enough to be able to attend the Mardi Gras? Hopefully one of the following holidays will inspire you to write a terrific story.
Panic Day & Other Peculiar Holidays
Do you celebrate Barbie Day by getting out all of your Barbie dolls and playing with them? How many things do you have to get over on Get Over It Day? Who is Joe Franklin and why do we have a holiday celebrating what this man has done? What causes you to panic on Panic Day?
Paranormal Anthology with a Twist – a Review
Paranormal Anthology with a Twist is a collection of eleven short stories, each one written by a different author. Besides having at least one paranormal element, each story in this collection also has a twist.
Paranormal Fiction Book Reviews
Paranormal vs. Fantasy Fiction
There are more genres of fiction than I care to talk about, so in this article I’ll only focus on a few of them. Paranormal fiction and fantasy are easy to confuse, but there is a simple way to tell them apart.
Peculiar People Day and Other Unusual Holidays
There are an abundance of unusual holidays in January that we can use to add a touch of something different to our stories. In this article, I'll tell you about the unusual holidays from the ninth day of January until the nineteenth day of January.
Pencil Day & Other Peculiar Holidays
On Grass is Always Browner On the Other Side of the Fence Day will you realize that your life may not be so bad after all? Will you go out and buy a new set of quality pencils on Pencil Day? Will you get your life put in order on I Am in Control Day?
Personalized Memoirs/Historical Fiction Reviews
Reviews of historical fiction books and fictionalized memoirs.
Peter Hallett – Advice for Writers
When did this author first have a desire to write? Does he ever get bored with what he is writing? How does he balance his time between family, friends, and writing? What advice does he have for writers who want to be published?
Peter Hallett – Character Development
How did he choose the names for his characters? Was there a point where the characters just took control of the story? Does he plan out the entire book before beginning to write?
Peter Hallett – Inspiration, Dragons, & Vietnam
What was the inspiration for this book? Why did the author decide to combine dragons and the Vietnam War? Did the torture scenes he wrote make him sick to his stomach?
Peter Hallett – Self-Publishing & Editing
How much research did he have to do to write this book? What are his thoughts on self-publishing? How important is it to have a good editor?
Phobias Associated with Halloween
Around Halloween, authors take advantage of things that scare people. Some write stories that will keep you awake at night, others write stories that scare you for the moment. Take one of the following phobias associated with this scary time of year and write your own scary story around it.
Phobias That Could Thwart Writers
Halloween is the time when we think about scary things. What is out there that would scare a writer? If the thought of having one of the following phobias is bad, then just how bad would it be if you actually did have one or more of them?
Phobias That Could Thwart Writers
Halloween is the time when we think about scary things. What is out there that would scare a writer? If the thought of having one of the following phobias is bad, what if having one of them was more than a thought? What if you actually did have one of them? Would you still be able to write?
In speaking and in writing, there are many phrases that are used. But where did these phrases originate? What are their meanings? Researching phrases and how they originated is one way to come up with ideas for stories.
Picture Writing Prompts
I´m going to share some pictures with you in this article. You need to study each picture and ask ´what if´ questions, coming up with stories that could be written based on each photograph. Allow your imagination to take flight and explore all possibilities.
Play God Day & Other Peculiar Holidays
What will you cause to happen on Play God Day? On Houseplant Appreciation Day, will you baby your plants? How many people will you splash on Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friends Day?
Playing for Keeps - a Review
Playing for Keeps: A Neighbor from Hell is a humorous, light romance novel for adults by R.L. Mathewson. Have you ever wished that your neighbor would just move far away from you? Have you ever had a neighbor that you wouldn´t even wish on your worst enemy?
Plot Basics
A plot consists of every part of the storyline - the people, the conflicts, the world it takes place in. An important thing to remember is that no plot is ever set in stone until the story is published. It can be changed as you write the story, not just one time but several times.
Plum Pudding Day and Other Unusual Holidays
Do you think that Paul Bunyan and his big blue ox had plum pudding on Plum Pudding Day? Or do you believe that he and Babe celebrated Paul Bunyan Day by eating some plum pudding?
POD Publishers
A list of Print-On-Demand publishers. This list is not exhaustive or guaranteed in any way. Please check current warnings for any publisher before contacting.
Poison of the Sea - Conidae & Blue-Ringed Octopus
What creatures are there that lurk in the depths of the ocean that are poisonous to humans? Some of the beautiful creatures of the ocean should only be admired from a distance. The poison of the conidae (cone shell) and the blue-ringed octopus are extremely toxic to humans and other animals.
Poison of the Sea - Jellyfish & Pufferfish
The ocean is home to many amazing creatures. Wouldn’t you like to swim beneath its waters and gaze at them up close? But just as the ocean’s waters are not forever tranquil, neither are its inhabitants always the kind you want to be near. The bite or touch of many of them can be deadly.
Every writer needs a few good poisons to use in stories. Use the ones you find here or combine theier effects to come up with one of your own.
Potato Chip Day & Other Nutty Holidays
How many questions are you going to ask on International Ask a Question Day? Will you visit the Bohart Museum of Entomology on MOTH-ER Day? What kind of potato chips will you consume on Potato Chip Day? Are you going to bake a pie on Pi Day?
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies - a Review
"Pride and Prejudice and Zombies", a classic much improved by the addition of zombies, was written by Jane Austen and co-authored by Seth Grahame-Smith. I tried to read the original by Ms. Austen, but never could make it very far.
Professor Gargoyle - a Review
Professor Gargoyle: Tales from Lovecraft Middle School #1, written by Charles Gilman, is the first volume in a new series of novels for young people, ages ten and up. The black-and-white illustrations throughout the book help bring the characters to life right in front of your eyes.
Public Sleeping Day & Other Unusual Holidays
Are you going to try and catch a tooth fairy on National Tooth Fairy Day? Do you remove your brain on No Brainer Day? And do you celebrate Public Sleeping Day every day of the year?
You believe your manuscript is ready for publication. What kind of publisher do you want to use? There are several different types of publishers, each one with its merits and downfalls.
Pumpkin Chunkin Days & Other Peculiar Holidays
How long will it take you to clean out your refrigerator on National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day? How many people will you tell to have a bad day on Have a Bad Day Day? Will you take advantage of Stay Home Because You´re Well Day and stay home from work?
Punctuation Day and Other Unusual Holidays
Maybe you want to add something just a bit different to your story. Have one of your characters celebrate one of these holidays. Even better, have your character become maniacal about the holiday or holidays your character chooses to celebrate.
Question and Quotation Marks, Exclamation Points
My last article on punctuation is on question marks, exclamation points, and quotation marks. There aren’t a whole lot of rules to learn about their usage, but my articles on punctuation would not be complete unless I covered those rules as well.
Quirk Classics/ Science Fiction & Fantasy Books
Quirk Classics are modern versions of selected classics. They are made more interesting for the people of today by the addition of zombies, robots, and other creatures, yet they still retain the literary quality of the originals.
Quirk Classics/Sci Fi and Fantasy Book Reviews
Reviews of Science Fiction and Fantasy Books
Rebecca Graf – Editing & Self-Publishing
Which scene and which character are her favorite? Which ones are her least favorite? How does she feel about self-publishing? How important does she believe it is to have a good editor?
Rebecca Graf – Inspiration & Character Development
What inspired Rebecca to write Deep Connections? How does she develop her characters?
Rebecca Graf – Writing & Opportunities
How does she balance her time between family, friends, and writing? What opportunities have come her way because of her writing? How and why did she start a publishing company?
Red is for Rage – a Review
Red is for Rage, written by Connie Corcoran Wilson, is the chilling sequel to The Color of Evil. Pogo the Killer Clown is still out to kill Tad because of his special ability he has, but so is someone else.
Redundant Expressions
Redundant Expressions that we commonly use.
Reference Books
From dictionaries to books on poisons, here you will find books that will come in handy while you are writing.
Reference Books for Writers
Sometimes you need to know more about a certain subject when writing a piece of fiction.
Relative Strangers - a Review
Relative Strangers is a collection of 14 short stories written by Margaret Hermes. In each of these stories, there are people who are strangers to everyone around them. They are strangers even to their own family members.
Rest of Interview with Hy Conrad & Jeff Johnson
This is the conclusion of my interview with Hy Conrad and Jeff Johnson, authors of Things YOur Dog Doesn´t Want You to Know.
Reviews of Adventure/Travel books
Here you will find reviews of fiction books that involve adventure and travel.
Richard Petracca - Advice for Writers
What new doors have opened for him because of his writing? How does he divide his time between family, friends, and writing? What advice does he have for writers?
Richard Petracca - Character Development
How did he choose the names for his characters? Who was his favorite character? Which scene was his favorite? And which scen was the most difficult for him to write?
Richard Petracca - Inspiration
What was his inspiration for this book? How many books will be in this series? Is he working on any books that won´t be part of this series?
Richard Petracca - Life´s Challenges
The author faces many things in life that would keep most people from even attempting to write. How does he handle these daily challenges? Why did he choose to become first responder? And what did he learn while in the Coast Guard?
Richard Petracca - On Writing
When did this author first feel the desire to write? Did he plan out the book before he wrote it? How much research did he have to do?
Richard Petracca on Self-Publishing
What experiences has this author had with publishers? Why did he decide to self-publish? Has he written anything else that has been published?
Rise of the Water Bearer - a Review
Rise of the Water Bearer takes one on an exciting journey to see a young boy fulfill his destiny. Watch as a battle between the gods unfolds and threatens life on earth. Earthly incarnations of gods, angels, and demons are in an all-out war and fighting for control. Who will emerge victorious?
Romance Reviews
Everyone loves a great romance. Here you will find reviews of the romance novels I have read.
Rosean Mile - Character Development
What was the inspiration for this book? How did she choose the names for her characters? Was there a point where the characters took control of the story?
Rosean Mile – Research and Writing
How much research did she have to do for this book? How much does she plan out a book before writing it? What does she think about self-publishing? Where can her fans find her on the Internet?
Rumpelstiltskin - a Review
Another of Grimm’s Fairy Tales that Susan Meredith has made kinder and gentler is Rumpelstiltskin.
S.J. Brown – Inspiration & Pictures
What was the inspiration for this book? Has she ever been injured by any of the animals she was attempting to photograph? How did she decide which pictures to include in this book? When did she first have a desire to capture pictures of the wildlife around her and write about it?
S.J. Brown – Opportunities
How does she balance her time between family, friends, taking pictures, and writing? Have any new opportunities come her way because of her writing and photography? What advice does she have for writers and/or photographers who are striving to be published?
Safety Pin Day & Other Peculiar Holidays
Will you visit your local library on National Library Workers Day? Are you going to go barefooted on One Day Without Shoes? How many safety pins will you use on Safety Pin Day?
Santa’s Letter Day & Other Unique Holidays
Will you write a letter to Santa on Santa’s Letter Writing Day? On Dewey Decimal System Day, will you learn about why this neat way of organizing books was created? How many wagers will you win on Phileas Fogg Win a Wager Day?
Save the Rhino Day
The rhino is a magnificent animal. Each of these reasons its horn is coveted could be turned into an exciting story. You could use any of the following examples of why the rhino horn is so sought after as the basis of a romance story, a thriller, a mystery, or any other kind of story.
Science Fiction and Fantasy
Many times science fiction and fantasy merge into each other and it is hard to tell the difference. There is a lot of disagreement about what science fiction is and what fantasy is. This article talks about the difference between them and how to write science fiction and fantasy.
Scrabble Day & Other Unique Holidays
What will you see up above on Look Up at the Sky Day? On Reach as High as You Can Day, what will you reach for? How many games of Scrabble will you play on Scrabble Day?
Screen and television
Writing fiction for the film and television industries.
Selections in Romantic Fiction
Everyone loves a great romance. Here are the some romance selections that I consider to be well worth reading.
Self Publishing
Tips for going it alone.
Sellout - a Review
“Why does it always have to be about race? Why can´t two people just love each other and not get harassed for it?” Sellout, by James W. Lewis, focuses on how irrationally and violently many people react when they see interracial couples.
Semi-Colons, Colons, and Dashes
The basic rules for using semi-colons, colons, and dashes are not nearly as difficult to understand as I thought they would be. I had always considered them confusing. The basic rules for these punctuation marks are covered here.
Seven Common Writing Mistakes
Many people make the mistake of thinking that writing is so simple, but it is hard work for the majority of us. There are some common writing mistakes made by most everyone who writes, or attempts to write.
Sheol - a Review
Gehenna. Tartarus. Sheol. The moaners, or zombies, made their unexpected appearance in the Old West town of Gehenna and chased the survivors all the way to the Tartarus River. The few who survived that made it to the town of Sheol.
Short Fiction Markets
Markets for short stories and novelettes.
Show, Don´t Tell
“Show, don’t tell.” What exactly does that mean? How does one show what is happening instead of just telling? What are the benefits of doing so?
Skull Picture Writing Prompts
Just as cobwebs left in your house can be used for Halloween decorations, so can any random skulls you find laying around. This skull is one of the only Halloween adornments at my house. How could you use a goat skull in your Halloween story?
Snow White - a Review
Gram’s Fairy Tales version of Snow White differs greatly from the original. There is still a queen who is fanatical about her looks, a queen whose greatest desire is to be the most beautiful in all the land.
Snowman Burning Day & Other Unique Holidays
Do you have a fiancee to kiss on Kiss Your Fiancee Day? Does everyone in your family have a jump rope to jump on National Jump Out! Day? How many snowmen will you burn on Snowman Burning Day?
So Many Phobias
Is there anything that you are afraid of? Anything that you try to stay away from? Everyone has their own set of fears. Sometimes there is a reason for those fears, sometimes not. A phobia is a persistent, irrational fear of an object, activity, situation or person.
Soaring Free - a Review
Soaring Free by Nelani A. Nettrour is a fantasy, a story of love, a story of faithfulness, and a story of betrayal.
Sorry Charlie Day & Other Crazy Holidays
How many practical jokes will you pull on April Fool's Day? Are you going to buy a stack of comic books on Reading is Funny Day? Are you going to burn all of your rejection slips and letters on Sorry Charlie Day?
Squirrel Appreciation Day & Other Unusual Holidays
What will you feed the squirrels on Squirrel Appreciation Day? Will you sit down and have a serious discussion with your cat on Answer Your Cat´s Questions Day? Is it possible for you to keep a serious face while saying the opposite of what you mean on Opposite Day?
Strange Manias
Manias have been defined as uncontrollable compulsions, desires, or urges. Are they uncontrollable? That depends on what you decide for the character you create. In the following article, I present to you 5 of the strangest manias in existence.
Subscribe to the Fiction Writing Newsletter
Sign up for the free, weekly Fiction Writing Newsletter to improve your craft and strengthen your career as a fiction writer.
Suffering for Beauty - Foot Binding
Foot binding was practiced by the Chinese for about a thousand years. Why did they do this? How did this practice affect the women of this culture? The art of foot binding can be used in your story to add drama and turmoil.
Suffering for Beauty - Neck Rings
The “giraffe women” have always fascinated me. Why would any woman allow heavy brass rings to be placed around her neck? Why would any woman submit her young daughter to such a thing? A lot of it depends on the culture you were raised in, and what you were taught to believe.
Suffering for Beauty - the Victorian Corset
Would your character be willing to go to such extremes to have a tiny waist? Does your character long to be physically attractive to men so badly that she would live in discomfort and risk her health and well-being by wearing a tight Victorian corset?
Supernatural Collective Nouns
Here you will find the collective nouns for supernatural creatures from apparitions to zombies to homunculi.
Surrounded by Creepy Crawlies
Things that we are afraid of can be used to develop really terrific stories. Did you realize we are surrounded by creepy crawlies? These creatures are enough to induce nightmares if you think long enough about them.
Surrounded by Creepy Crawlies
Things that we are afraid of can be used to develop really terrific stories. Did you realize we are surrounded by creepy crawlies? These creatures are enough to induce nightmares if you think long enough about them.
Sweat Like a Pig
Have you ever heard anyone say that he is sweating like a pig? What goes through your mind when you hear this said? Do you picture Porky Pig roasting out in the sun with a headband on to catch the sweat before it drips into his eyes?
Taft 2012 - a Review
"Taft 2012", by Jason Heller, is a thoroughly enjoyable book that has appropriately been released just before our next Presidential election. This book puts forth the idea that accountability needs to be returned to Washington, D.C. and its political inhabitants.
Talk Like Shakespeare Day & Other Zany Holidays
How many chances will you take on Take a Chance Day? Will you visit a mad scientist on World Laboratory Day? On Talk Like Shakespeare Day, will thou talkest like Shakespeare?
Tartarus - a Review
Tartarus, written by Jason Brant, is the sequel to Gehenna. When Gehenna ended, McCall and Karen had managed to fight off the moaners long enough to board a train. They were finally riding away from the burning town of Gehenna and the horde of flesh-eating corpses that had overtaken it.
Teflon Day & Other Unusual Holidays
Will you forgo driving and walk to work on National Walk to Work Day? How much beer will you drink on New Beer's Eve? Will you wear tartan on Tartan Day? Will you buy yourself a new set of Teflon cookware on Teflon Day?
Tell a Fairy Tale Day & Other Odd Holidays
Have you come up with a totally new design for a pistol that you need to patent on Pistol Patent Day? Are you going to attempt to swallow a sword on International Sword Swallowers Day? Or do you want to write a modern-day fairy tale on Tell a Fairy Tale Day?
Tell a Lie Day & Other Unique Holidays
Will you remember to take your ascorbic acid on Vitamin C Day? Are you going to buy a pet rat on World Rat Day? How many lies will you tell on Tell a Lie Day?
Terri's Day & Other Unusual Holidays
Are you going to buy a Bunsen burner on Bunsen Burner Day? On National “She's Funny That Way” Day, are you going to watch the comedy of Lucille Ball and Carol Burnette? How many clams are you going to eat on National Clam on the Half Shell Day?
Text Writing Prompts
Text writing prompts are better than visual writing prompts at conveying a complex question with precision. Look here for text writing prompts.
Thanksgiving Writing Prompts
Here are some writing prompts for you to think about while getting ready for your yummy Thanksgiving feast. Have fun with them!
The Action/Adventure Genre
Several different genres and sub-genres of fiction exist. Many writers stress over what genre they should write in. The answer is simple – write what you love to read. The action/adventure genre is highlighted in this article.
The Adventures of the Beat 5 Boys - a Review
At one time or another, every red-blooded boy dreams of being able to overcome any situation, no matter how dire it seems. Has there ever been a boy who wouldn´t love to wrestle a crocodile and emerge victorious with the crocodile under his control?
The Brightest Star in the Sky - a Review
Marian Keyes takes us to her hometown of Dublin, Ireland in "The Brightest Star in the Sky". Her story reveals to us both the humor and the tragedy in the characters´ lives – humor and tragedy that could easily exist in our own lives.
The Children of Hamelin - a Review
Fairy tales are just make-believe stories, right? But what if the Pied Piper really existed? What if instead of leading the children out of Hamelin, that is where he took them?
The Chitlin Strut & Other Wacky Festivals
How will you poke fun at a fire ant during the Fire Ant Festival? Will you annoy the ant so much that he sets you on fire? Will your woolly worm win the race at the Woolly Worm Festival? What is a chitlin and why do they hold a festival in its honor? Will you attend the Chitlin Strut to find out
The City´s Son - a Review
The City´s Son is an urban fantasy debut novel by Tom Pollock. Urban fantasy is a sub-genre of fantasy. Most are set in contemporary times. This story takes place during modern times in the busy, crowded British city of London, England.
The Comma
The comma is one of the most misused punctuation marks. Some people seem to haphazardly throw commas into what they write. Maybe they think that makes them appear as though they know what they are doing. It doesn’t. All it does is show they need to brush up on their punctuation rules.
The Critical First Draft
Some compare writing a book to building a house. Before you put up the framework, you have a blueprint made so you know just what you are going to do.
The Cut Up - a Review
Author James W. Lewis bring us the tale a woman´s unique, twisted revenge on her cheating husband in The Cut Up.
The Dark - a Review
Are you afraid when you can’t see the things around you? Do you fear the complete and total blackness of night? When I was a little girl I was afraid of the dark, but the monsters I was afraid of were all in my mind. In The Dark by Jason Brant, there really is a reason to be afraid of the dark.
The Darker Side of Santa Writing Prompts
Did you know that there was a dark side to jolly old Santa Claus? Well, maybe not a dark side to Santa himself, but he does have different dark companions that are supposed to accompany him on his gift giving journey, companions whose job it is to punish the ones that have been naughty.
The Enchanted Flounder – a Review
One of the creative writing exercises I have suggested is to rewrite a fairy tale. Susan Meredith has done just this. She has rewritten many of the fairy tales full of wicked people and scary imagery to make them child friendly.
The Ex Chronicles - a Review
"The Ex Chronicles", written by Carol Taylor, is a character-driven novel that succeeds in emotionally involving the reader in the lives of each of its main characters – Precious, Bella, Zenobia, Hope, and later on, Portia.
The First Sentence
Just about every writer dreams of writing words that will have a lasting effect on civilization. Wouldn’t it be awesome if at least one line from each of your books tended to stay in people´s minds?
The Former Predator & the Widow Next Door Review
If you are searching for a romance that is fun and light-hearted, "The (Former) Predator and the Widow Next Door" by Carolee Disney Roberts is the book you want. Despite the ominous title, there is nothing heavy or scary about this novel.
The Gate - a Review
Jason Brant, author of Gehenna and Echoes, has written another winner. The Gate is a bit different from his previous two books. First, it is longer. Second, it isn´t about zombies in the old west. There isn´t a character who can read your mind and make you do things against your will.
The Great Grammar Book - a Review
Marsha Sramek is the author of The Great Grammar Book: Mastering Grammar Usage and the Essentials of Composition. This book has proven to be an extremely valuable aid to me, not only in my writing, but also in my editing and proofreading.
The Halloween Tree - Review
The Halloween Tree was written by Ray Bradbury, a master of fantasy and science fiction. First published in 1972, it is a classic tale to be enjoyed by young and old alike.
The Last Enchantment - a Review
"The Last Enchantment", by Mary Stewart, is the third book in the Arthurian saga. These books just keep getting better and better. Not able to stop at the second book in the series, I purchased a copy of "The Last Enchantment" myself.
The Last Policeman - a Review
The book opens at the scene of a supposed suicide by hanging. Hank Palace feels that something is wrong, that his insurance salesman did not commit suicide. No one else really cares. But if this has been a murder then he wants to solve it, even if everyone is going to die soon.
The Law of Unintended Consequences
The Law of Unintended Consequences brings conflict, tension, and surprises to your story. A character does something and intends for it to have a certain outcome. Maybe it accomplishes what was planned, maybe not, but other unplanned events happen because of that one decision.
The Magic Hour - Review
The Magic Hour, by James S. Crowley, opens with nine-year-old twin brothers Eddie and Brian preparing to spend their first night alone outside in their tree house. Their friend, Tad, has loaned them a story that he says they must listen to.
The Main Reason You Need an Editor
If you want to satisfy and entertain your reader so much that he/she will buy more of your books or read more of your stories, then you need to hire an editor to clean up all of the mistakes you made while writing your story.
The Marshall Plan for Novel Writing - a Review
The full title of this book is The Marshall Plan for Novel Writing: The 16-Step Blueprint to Take You from Idea to Completed Manuscript in 30 Days or Less. This book is so much more than a blueprint on how to write a novel.
The Meowmorphosis - a Review
Quirk Classics, famous for giving new life to older, superior works of fiction, has done it again. "The Metamorphosis", by Franz Kafka, has now been transformed into "The Meowmorphosis".
The Novelist - a Review
Have you ever wanted to see inside the mind of a writer? The Novelist, written by L.L. Barkat, allows you inside the mind of Laura during her attempt to write a novel in just months. But what should she write about? After all, there is nothing new under the sun.
The Paperback Swap Club
If you love to write, chances are you also love to read. A lot. But books are expensive. What if there was a way to get free books? Sound too good to be true? You need to check out the Paperback Swap Club.
The Parable of the Lily - a Review
Would you like to give your child something special for Easter this year? Would you like to give them a gift that would have lasting value, something that would have a definite impact on his or her life?
The Period or Full Stop
This is the first of several articles on punctuation. This one covers the period, or full stop.
The Romance Genre
There is no better time to talk about the genre of romance than Valentine’s Day, the day when people everywhere celebrate their love for that special someone in their lives. What is a romance story? Basically, it is a love story between two people.
The Scales of Six - a Review
The Scales of Six, the debut novel by Rosean Mile, will take you from the busy and crowded streets of New York to the rugged and peaceful coastline of Maine to the jungles of Indonesia, full of exotic plants and animals.
The Secret Life of Bees - a Review
The author has done an outstanding job with her cast of characters. It is next to impossible not to become emotionally involved with their lives and extremely hard to put this book down out of concern for these characters during this turbulent time in history.
The Slither Sisters - a Review
We return to Lovecraft Middle Schools for another creepy adventure in The Slither Sisters. At the end of the first book in the series, twin sisters Sarah and Sylvia Price had returned to the school after their mysterious disappearance. But there is something different about them.
The Tapestry of Spirit - a Review
The Tapestry of Spirit, written by Erik Paul Rocklin, is an allegorical tale of a young boy on a spiritual journey. It is the story of a young boy who is looking for answers.
The Troublesome Apostrophe
What is the purpose of this troublesome and often misused punctuation mark? The apostrophe has two purposes: to show possession and to indicate missing letters. In certain instances it is also used to clear up confusion when making plurals.
The Wicked Day - a Review
"The Wicked Day", by Mary Stewart, is the fourth and final book in the Arthurian saga. This book fills in what happened in Mordred´s life until the time Morgause, upon command of King Arthur, brought him and his step-brothers to Camelot.
The Writer´s Journal
Do you dream? Do entire novels play themselves out in your imagination each night as you are peacefully, or not so peacefully, slumbering? Perhaps you daydream? Do you lose track of where you are and what is going on because you have been sucked into a world that your mind has created?
There Be Dragons - a Review
There Be Dragons was written by Peter Hallett, an author who has worked for a leading genre publication and also written scripts for independent movies. His stunning debut novel combines action and adventure with horror and fantasy.
Thesaurus Day
What new words will you learn on Thesaurus Day? Will you discover all of the different ways to say ‘hat’? Or maybe you are more interested in words that have to do with computers. If you are a writer, what new words will you be learning to put in the book you are writing?
Things Your Dog Doesn´t Want You to Know - Review
Have you ever wondered what your dog was thinking? You leave, and your dog knows you’re coming back. You may only be gone for a minute, but he jumps all over you when you walk through the door. Why? And why does he wag his tail?
Tick Tock Day & Other Zany Holidays
What will you use your flashlight for on National Flashlight Day? How deep into your family´s roots will you dig on Roots Day? What origins you will create for Take it in the Ear Day? How frantic will you become as the time slowly ticks away on Tick Tock Day?
Titanic Remembrance Day
The RMS Titanic went to her watery grave on April 15, 1912. The death toll from the sinking of this ship was 1,503. Only 705 people survived. The day before she sank to the bottom of the Atlantic, she collided with an iceberg that ripped a hole in her side.
Tomoe Gozen - a Review
Tomoe Gozen, written by fantasy author Jessica Amanda Salmonson, takes one on a journey to Naipon, a world that is very similar to medieval Japan.
Town Names for Halloween Tales
There is no need to make up a creepy town name for your Halloween tale when there are so many already in existence. One or two of the names belong to a county instead of a city, but those could be used, too.
Town Names for Halloween Tales
There is no need to make up a creepy town name for your Halloween tale when there are so many already in existence. Only one or two of these unusual names belong to a county instead of a city.
Toxic Fungi
It would not be wisdom to knowingly eat any mushrooms from the Amanita family. Some of them are safe, but the majority of them can kill you – or be used to kill someone. You either allow your character to use the mushrooms and escape detection by the law or you have him mess up and get caught.
Toy Soldier Day & Other Curious Holidays
Do you prefer to write mysteries or romances, thrillers or fantasies, science fiction or historical fiction? Whatever genre you prefer to write in, I'm sure you can find a way to include one of these curious holidays that occur in March in your story.
Tribes of Time - a Review
Tribes of Time, a book that won an honorable mention award at the 2012 Beach Book Festival, is the debut novel for Jaymes E. Terry. It is a chilling story of racial prejudice in modern-day America.
Trivia Day and Other Unusual Holidays
There are an abundance of unusual holidays in January that we can use to add a touch of something different to our stories. In this article, I'll tell you about some of the unusual holidays from the first day of January until the eighth day of January.
Unforgettable Characters
It’s been my experience that readers will forgive clunky writing or plots with holes, but they don’t forgive boring or flat characters. As a writer, the question then becomes how do we write exciting, 3D characters?
Unique Hair Care for Your Characters
You are looking for some way to make your character unique, some way to make him or her really stand apart from all of the other characters that have been created. Your search for just the right quirk to give your character has not been as successful as you would like.
Unique Names Day & Other Special Holidays
Are you going to find out if you were named after a distant relative on Namesake Day? Are you going to learn how to snowshoe on U.S. Snowshoeing Day? Are you going to feast on frozen food on National Frozen Food Day?
Unusual Holidays
Every month has some unusual holidays to be celebrated. Have fun using these in your fiction stories.
Vaffeldagen & Other Little-Known Holidays
What holiday will you create on Make Your Own Holiday Day? Which book by J.R.R. Tolkien will you choose to read on Tolkien Day? If you enjoy eating waffles, then you should really have fun on Vaffeldagen.
Valentine's Day Writing Prompts
The most romantic holiday of the year is almost upon us. Valentine's Day is loved by those here in America, but it is especially loved by retailers. Vast amounts of money are spent on gifts by men and women looking for that special gift for their significant other.
Valentine´s Day Picture Writing Prompts
A heart made out of red roses would be the perfect way to show your love and affection for someone on Valentine´s Day. Red roses are symbolic of love, a love that is stronger than thorns, and romance. The heart signifies life. What ideas for stories will your muse suggest to you from the picture?
Velveteen - a Review
Have you ever wanted to exact revenge upon someone? What if you were dead? Would you still want revenge? Velveteen, by Daniel Marks, is a dark revenge fantasy written for those twelve years and older.
Venomous Spiders - the Brown Recluse
Have you heard horror stories about the bite of the brown recluse spider? How would you know if you ran into one of these arachnids? How could you use one or more of these venomous creatures in your writing?
Vocabulary, Why Bother?
Words are magical and just the right word can make a story come to life. The English language is complex, yet beautiful.
Weary Willie Day and Other Unusual Holidays
Here are some more unusual holidays that take place in December.
When Love Isn´t Enough - a Review
Are there ever times in a relationship when love just isn´t enough to keep the relationship going? This book puts drama right where it belongs – between the pages of a book.
When to Start a New Paragraph
Why do writers, especially fiction writers, need to worry about knowing when to begin a new paragraph? The main reason is to keep the reader from becoming confused. Is there any writer who wants to confuse his reader?
When to Use Hyphens
Hyphens have always confused me, but since I have begun to edit my work and the work of others, I have had to learn how they are used. The use of hyphens involves certain rules, none of which are that hard to remember.
When Your Characters Take Control
Each author has his or her own way of writing a book. Some have to plan out every scene, every piece of the plot, and every character before getting started. They have to know exactly what is going to happen and write the story according to what they have planned.
Whisper - a Review
There is something very unusual about Hope House. It encourages those who live there to kill and get rid of all the noise so its voice can be heard. Whisper, written by Michael Bray, takes you on a terrifying journey as you discover the truth of just what is behind the whispers.
Why Authors Need to Read
Reading stories that other authors have written will give you ideas for your own characters, plots, twists, and even more. Are you plagiarizing when you do this? No. You are not copying what has been written, you are using ideas from words that have already been written to create something new.
Why Create A Language?
You have a wonderful idea for a story. The plot is awesome, the characters are fantastic, but you still feel that something is missing, that you need just a little something else to make it perfect. Maybe you need to create a language for your world.
Why Readers Hate the Generic City
The “Generic City” is a much-hated writing mistake that results when writers are too lazy, rushed, or intimidated to fill in an actual setting for their fiction. So they keep the setting vague and unnamed to avoid spending much time on it.
Winter´s Silence - a Review
Winter’s Silence, by Stephanie Silberstein, is the story of a 6-year-old Jewish girl and the difficulties she experienced because of her faith. This tale takes place during the Christmas season. Through the eyes of this little girl, you experience this time of year as it is for Jews.
Wired - a Review
Douglas E. Richards, the author of Wired, has succeeded in writing a book that I simply could not put down. It is a thriller. But it is also a mystery with science fiction and a bit of romance thrown in.
Witch Hysteria Day & Other Weird Holidays
March is full of some interesting holidays, most of which you have probably never heard of. Enjoy reading and learning about these unusual days, then pick at least one of them, write a story about it, or include it in the story you are currently writing.
Women´s Fiction
Reviews of books that target women and their concerns.
Women´s Fiction Book Reviews
Reviews of books that target women and their concerns.
Women´s Fiction Selections
Here you will find books that are in the women´s fiction genre.
Word Count and Fiction Lengths
Why worry about word count? After you finish writing your fiction project to whatever length it needs to be, you must know its approximate length category to market it.
Words That Make Noise A-C
Onomatopoeia literally means ‘the name of sound I make’. Onomatopoeic words are imitations of the sounds made by objects or animals. This would include words such as achoo, sizzle, or clang. What are some other examples of these words to use in your writing?
Words That Make Noise D-H
There are ways to tell what kind of sound a word is imitating just by the letters it begins or ends with. What letters do onomatopoeic words that have to do with water normally begin with What about the words that have to do with collisions?
Words That Make Noise L-N
Is there a child in your story who delights in taunting others? Or maybe there is a car in your tale that has a broken power steering pump. Are you writing about an evil scientist who loves to laugh in an evil, maniacal manner? How would you make the sounds for all of these in your writing?
World Chicken Festival & More Wacky Festivals
Some truly wacky festivals are held in the South each fall. Perhaps your character is a contestant in the Great Outhouse Blowout and Race. Maybe he is researching the famous Colonel Sanders and travels to the World Chicken Festival.
Worship of Tools Day & Other Zany Holidays
Do you keep enough batteries handy to change out all of them on Check Your Batteries Day? Do you save any daylight with Daylight Saving Time? On Johnny Appleseed Day, are you going to plant an apple tree? What tools will you worship on Worship of Tools Day?
Writer´s Terms
Some terms you need to be familiar with before sending a manuscript out for publication.
Writing Books, Software & Courses; Book Clubs
Here you will find books on specific aspects of writing - how to create a character, plot, culture, or language. There is also a book on how to write a novel, as well as an ebook of creative writing exercises. Also, learn about the Paperback Swap Club, a place where you can swap books with others.
Writing Books, Software, & Courses Reviews
Reviews on writing books, writing software, and writing courses.
Writing Courses
There are many different places that offer courses for writers, but which one do you take? They all cost money and you want to get your money’s worth. Which one of them should receive your hard-earned money?
Writing for radio
Writing fiction for radio.
Writing Mysteries
Mysteries and thrillers are my favorite reading material. I am still learning how to effectively write for this genre, but I would like to share some of what I have learned with you.
Writing Short Stories
A short story is short enough to be read in one sitting, as opposed to a novel which may take weeks to read. What makes up a good, possibly great, short story?
X-Ray Day and Other Unusual Holidays
How many sandwiches will you eat on National Sandwich Day? Will you make a pizza on National Pizza with the Works Except Anchovies Day? Will you have an x-ray taken on X-Ray Day? What will you make for dinner on Cook Something Bold and Pungent Day?
Yet More Creepy Crawlies
Here are six more creepy crawlies that live way too close to us. These six nasty, little creatures can be used to inflict terror or great discomfort in your story.
Yet More Creepy Crawlies
Here are six more creepy crawlies that live way too close to us, six more nasty little creatures that can be used to inflict terror or great discomfort in your story.
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